Sooner or later, he'd really think that Filipino-produced units of certain goods of a foreign brand aren't made in the Philippines! Do you remember the classic scene where retired PNP Chief, Alan Impurisima was scolded by Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago for his awfully stupid reasoning? That scene was really comedy gold (although the outcome of Impurisima's stupidity was not) considering how stupid he really sounded. When he said he didn't give General Getulio Napenas an order, only an advice he was trying to make "palusot" or excuses for his blunder at Mamasapano. Likewise, I am afraid that those who are protesting boycott Made in China are already sounding like Impurisima. In what way? Chinese branded products and Made in China are TWO DIFFERENT STUFF. Chinese branded products have their brand in China and may not always be made in China, I mean what if Chinese companies managed to produce other product units somewhere else right? Meanwhile, ...
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