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Showing posts from May, 2015

Philippine GDP Is NOT ENOUGH To Say Philippines Has A Bright Future!

Now I don't deny that the Philippines GDP is growing since Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and as of current, President Nobita Aquino.  However there are still other issues that we need to address.  First, GDP means GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT.  However gross does not account the remaining balance because there is still the depreciation expense of the Philippines.  What the Philippines needs to consider is... the depreciation expense.  How much money is left after they had spend it on depreciation matters and where that money goes is what's needed.  Also, how is the money allocated?  Now Butcher A-Bad still has a LOT to answer to! Looking at the Philippines' unemployment rate, it has the HIGHEST unemployment rate and tot hink that Cambodia a Communist country has a lower unemployment rate.  This is based on the ASEAN chart.  Unemployment still needs to be ADDRESSED!

Being Late Is NOT Filipino Time, It's Just Plain Tardiness!

I remembered how I once said to my teacher saying, "Well good thing we don't practice Filipino time." Then she replied, "Yes we do practice Filipino time, if the program starts at 3:00 P.M., it starts at 3:00 P.M. and if it will start late, we make sure it's only five to ten minutes late. Being one hour late is not tolerable. Just call being late, being late." What annoyed me back as a child was that FLIPFAGs would tell me, "Are you sure you are Filipino? If you like being on time, go back to China you Communist! This is the democratic Philippines." Oh boy, there they go again with their self-contradictory ultranationalism . Is being on time really a "foreign concept" huh? Being late is just being late, you cannot deny that affiliating being late with "Filipino time" is stupid and not to mention, it's not even nationalistic. Do you know the value of time anyway? Sad to say but FLIPFAGs have their wrong sense of entitle...

How ABiaS-CBN Is Creating A Culture Of Bias, Dysfunction And Hypocrisy In The Philippines!

As of late, I'll admit I am a SkyCable subscriber which is owned by ABiaS-CBN and no thanks to oligarchy, I cannot really get better cable networks. Come on, I have to pay for EXTRA CHANNELS? WTF! Oh yeah, it's all about the improper use of protectionism isn't it? I mean, I would want to watch some Japanese or Chinese programs but come on, letting me pay. It's already getting out of hand and Sky Broadband is a rip-off package, ask me and a couple of friends who got charged super high for CRAAAPP speed, again it's ABiaS-CBN property. ABiaS-CBN has always been about biases, dysfunction and hypocrisy. I remembered as a child, I would be watching ABiaS-CBN because I remembered how it aired Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, Conan The Adventurer, X-Men, Batman The Animated Series, Koseidon, Ultraman but these days, what happened? I would have grown up during the years of the late Corazon Aquino, Fidel V. Ramos, Sherap Estrada and later, I would be entering my adult ye...

Viral Video: Failipino Scolded By His Foreigner Boss!

Here's a video that has gone viral with a foreigner scolding his Failipino employee.  In truth, I have noticed how often "Filipino time" has become an excuse.  Based on the dialogue, the boss said, "You are ALWAYS LATE."  It's already wrong for the foreigner boss to scold the Failipino in public but if I were him, I might have already erupted like that with an employee who is always late.  The employee keeps using "Filipino Time" as an excuse to which Failipinos have for their habitual tardiness.   Putting myself in the shoes of the foreign employer, remember people have their limits and I would have already committed the same mistake.  It reminded me of why I even had to shout at a subordinate in public for habitually testing my patience.  I noticed Failipino employees have all their bad excuses and their "Failipino pride" or they call punctuality as a component of "tyranny" and "non-nationalism".  It's rea...

Being Overly Closed Minded Won't Help The Philippines!

AREN'T WE OVERDOING THIS? Now I don't say being close-minded is entirely bad, sometimes you need to be close-minded over the wrong but not when you are overly close-minded just as you need to open your mind but you also need to close your mind.  What I am trying to address is the reality that too much close-mindedness isn't helping the Philippines.  Sad to say, most Filipinos do not know when it's time to be open and when it's time to be close, perhaps as a result of their high amount of self-worth but ironically, they enjoy some of the benefits that come with an open mind. If you think about science, it's a field where you need to be open minded to certain ideas and close minded to certain ideas.  For example, genetic manipulation is a dangerous idea because it can cause severe imbalances to nature so you should be close minded to it while you need to be open minded to accept replacing typewriters with printers and PCs to greatly lessen the use of paper. ...

Four SIMPLE DOESN'T NEED AN A.B. ECONOMICS DEGREE Ways That The Philippines Can Become More Attractive To Investors

After writing a long essay against that fat Murican, I simply want to write my thoughts on how the Philippines can be MORE ATTRACTIVE to foreign investment.  Forget about David Guerrero's ghastly slogan which no thanks to it has given birth to a culture of dysfunction .  While I have been going on the "negative" as of late, I can now provide more constructive criticism than just pointing out mistakes.  Again, many people DO NOT WANT it but I hope the government is greedy enough to consider the LONG TERM benefits. 1.) It's time to remove 60/40 from the constitution in favor of a flexible foreign investment plan One of the biggest obstacles of the Philippines is the misuse of protectionism .  My older posts didn't have too much of an understanding on what protectionism is.  Again, the problem of the Philippines is that it misuses protectionism which is the very act of restricting competition, in our case, TOO MUCH OF IT.  Free trade countries have a mo...


A certain Murican said, "Your future is bright! I can see it!" That guy hasn't truly know the situation of the Philippines and I personally want to attack his "magnificent essay" with this rebuttal. So far, he has only made stupid points without really addressing issues. Now rather than attack him point by point, I would really address why the Philippines' future may be darker than we think. I'd love to say this line, "Who knows the Philippines better than the Filipinos?" After all, why do you get a FILIPINO TOUR GUIDE for the Philippines and a CHINESE TOUR GUIDE for China? For that crazy Murican, wow he thinks he's already an expert in the Philippines. Moving on, I would like to address how the Philippines may have a darker future than we think. We have President Nobita who says, "We are doing great! Our economy is improving!" Now I don't doubt the statistics that talk about GDP increase but that is NOT enough to save t...

President Nobita BETTER THINK TWICE Before Defying China!

China's Damulag shows President Nobita he's a loser! I have recently read how President Nobita intends to defy China .  I am so amazed with how this guy wants to defy China never mind the reality that he's actually going to war with obsolete weaponry against a huge dragon.  Come on, he better wake up to the reality that the Philippines isn't ready to defeat China !  Just think if he can't even handle the Mamasapano Incident properly resulting to the death of the 44 SAF soldiers, how much more can he handle a HUGE ARMY OF KUNG FU WARRIORS! China's military is not a joke if you think about it.  I could just think of the disastrous outcome that would happen with Nobita's utter stupid response.  What's a few obsolete Filipino vessels going to do against a huge Chinese military that not even other countries could easily deal with?  What are they going to do?  Troll the Chinese military to death?  Oh boy, they better be careful because Chin...

Filipinos Need To Realize That A High Amount of Savings Is The Biggest Indicator Of Wealth

Nothing is wrong with having an iPhone if after you bought it, it was a very small fraction of your savings that was taken or two, you are willing to spend on extra expensive maintenance and you still have tons of cash left right? The sad reality is in the Philippines, it is really a culture of overspending. I would even dare say that there is a connection between overspending and the epal attitude . You want to look cool, you want people to say you are rich so in turn, you borrow lots of money from other people to maintain such a high class lifestyle. So I started to think about the stupidity of having one's lifestyle as an indicator of one's wealth . I remembered how people called me rich whenever I rode an expensive car and called me poor because I didn't have the latest video game console. Apparently for them, being wealthy is determined by the nice things you own, not by the amount of money you have in the bank. If you think about it, some people may be driving an...

The Cycle of FLIPFAG Stupidity Revealed In Five Easy Steps!

What is so stupid is how the FLIPFAG economic cycle never stops. Now I'd like to discuss my ideas step by step... First, they want protectionism with their stupid " Sariling Atin Only " mentality NEVER MIND that they are a bunch of walking contradictions . Like how many times do I keep seeing FLIPFAGs having Facebook accounts, Twitter accounts, Facebook pages, etc. and those are NOT made in the Philippines or saying they'll only watch local shows while the TV set may have been Sony (from Japan) or Samsung (from South Korea). I always want to laugh at how stupid they are to keep with their "beloved" 60/40. No wonder they keep voting for stupid people into power. Second, when protectionism kicks in, the effects will kick in. Oh how funny and ironic can it be when these people love protectionism but HATE the trashy services they keep receiving . Do you know that the Philippines has very slow Internet no thanks to the fact there are only TWO ISPs and the ...

The Eh-Bola Outbreak Is STILL GOING ON In The Philippines!

Do you ever remember when Bum Aquino started his campaign? While his actual nickname is BAM, however the letters above spell those who might be deceived by him whether it's any ex-girlfriend or associate or just the masses. BAM means Bobo Ang Maniniwala. Sad to say the Philippines is really plagued by the dangerous Eh-Bola Virus even before an Ebola outbreak can ever begin. How would you know the signs of Eh-Bola? Here's what you can observe: 1.) Bobotantes are easily carried away by FAIR SPEECHES AND CAMPAIGNS. Did you know how Sherap won? It was by charisma over credibility. Do you know why Bum gets the vote? It's as BAM goes - BOBO ANG MANINIWALA! Do you remember his brick-laying campaign? Only a real idiot would believe that he can work under the heat of the sun without sweating! I noticed the better the speaker, the more the chances of winning even if that speaker is already so stupid. Even without any alternations by Hocus-PCOS, President Nobita really won NO T...

To That Idiotic Commission of Human Rights, Squatters ARE Human Rights Violators Themselves

I remembered how a hypocrite of a FLIFPAG would say, "Well squatters are still humans. They have rights. Driving them out is a violation of human rights so let them stay!" Oh EXCUSE ME what that person doesn't realize is this truth that the STUPID GOVERNMENT needs to understand... SQUATTERS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATORS. Sad to say in a welfare state and in a culture that rewards the lazy but punishes the diligent , yes squatters are given the right to squat! Whatever you call a squatter, an informal settler is a nuisance to every decent Pinoy living in the Philippines. When I think of the reasons why I don't want to live in Tondo, Manila is because of the HUUUUUUGE population of slums aside from the high crime rate. Anybody who thinks Tondo, Manila is the best place on Earth  is either high on drugs or just stupid beyond stupid. I mean, passing through slums, I would puke over the sight of how bad their hygiene standards are and man those places SMELL SO HORRIBLE....

Failipino Ultranationalists Tend To Hate Foreign Shows But Praise Filipinos Who Appear In Foreign Shows!

What I have noticed even as a child was that there was always the extreme preference of what is Filipino over anything foreign in the name of "nationalism"... while others are on the extreme opposite of colonial mentality.  Years later, I soon realized the hypocrisy of the notion because those ultranationalist Failipinos are acting like... they aren't using anything foreign or anything born out of foreign influence which is STUPID which is a result of a walking contradiction. Now I noticed how a Failipino might say to the decent Pinoy/Filipino, "Oh wow you are a colonial mentality person.  Why can't you appreciate Zaido?  It's our sariling atin !  You are a colonial mentality lover!  You prefer to watch Super Sentai, Kamen Rider and Power Rangers!  Why don't you just go to Japan if you love Super Sentai so much or to America if you love Power Rangers so much!" as if their TV sets were made in the Philippines... watching Zaido, yelling Pinoy Pride ...

The Incredible Irony That Failipinos HATE Competition While Bragging How Great They Are!

I could consider it a major irony in the mindset of the Failipino that they HATE COMPETITION (and hence, they want protectionism but complain when the consequences hit them ) while they are bragging how great they are. Now how do you show off your greatness? By just bragging about it should you provide CREDIBLE PROOF of such greatness right? Every decent Filipino opposes the Failipino mindset of anti-competition because they know a lack of competition will not encourage improvement. Let me raise the question on how does a product show its greatness to the market? It must COMPETE in the market one way or another in terms of product, price, place and promotion. Many questions can NAG into the head of the businessman when it comes to good planning and strategy. Is the product really good enough? Does the price speak of the value of the product? Is the place the best place to do business? Is the promotion not just empty words and does it match the product? Performance outweighs promot...

Maybe It's Better To Rename "Pilipinas Got Talent" To "Pilipinas Got No Talent" Huh?

Well ABiaS-CBN should rename their show to "Pilipinas Got No Talent" with judges as GAGA as they are! Do you remember how Gerphil Flores who OUTPERFORMED all the other contestants wasn't given the award she deserved?  It made me think of how HYPOCRITICAL Failipinos are - they tend to look down at every Filipino who deserves success and if they ever hit gold abroad, they free ride on that person especially with what happened with Gerphil Flores .  I was simply amazed with the STUPIDITY of the two judges on how they chose those underperformers as the winners INSTEAD of the real winner.  Because of that, I feel like it's really time to rename "Pilipinas Got Talent' to "Pilipinas Got No Talent". Now before any Failipino or FLIPFAG will again miss the point (as always), we may need to take a look at why I propose to name Kris' and Ai-ai's show as "Pilipinas Got No Talent".  I just made a statement about Filipinos who deserve succes...

Jejemon Bitay Has NO SENSE OF SHAME!

The family that preys together, steals together! Whether it was last year when Bitay campaigned in Cebu or as of recent when he went to campaign in Cagayan De Oro (Source: Sunstar News ), I will admit that man, Jejemon Bitay has really NO SENSE OF SHAME.  First, he runs away from the Senate investigations, then later Senate investigations had raised the allegation that Bitay has 242 bank accounts  based on Anti-Money Laundering Council (then again, please also investigate Butcher Abad)... now what is really wrong with Jejemon Bitay himself? Jejemon Bitay is really a picture of the FLIPFAG culture of no accountability  which reminds me of what Ilda wrote at Get Real Philippines about Filipinos needing to develop a sense of shame .  If he was really innocent, he should show up AND prove himself innocent but the evidence is stacking high against him and yet, for some reason he still has his immunity one way or another.  Again, don't be so proud of the Bitay i...

Better Brace For The Possibility That Kris Aquino May Become The President Of The Philippines Someday!

WILL SOMEBODY SHOOT HER?! Knowing how Kris Aquino gets too much attention no thanks to people who can't separate Kris and State , it might be time to prepare for a Kris Aquino Presidency! Kristards are most likely to think that I am jealous of Kris Aquino  even when I'm not. They are nothing but a group of shallow-minded people who refuse to think outside the box. Criticism happens for a reason like constructive criticism and destructive criticism. Constructive criticism is offered to improve, destructive criticism is offered to spite. For them, all criticism is destructive criticism because for them, they are the only ones right. So why am I writing about the possibility of a Kris Aquino presidency? Every time something happens to her good or bad and most of them are NOT IMPORTANT such as her allergies, she gets the spotlight . Come on, just think is that incident in Thailand far more important than the 72 people who died in the Kentex factory fire in Valenzuela ? Is her...

Like It Or Not... Failipino Culture Is UTTERLY FOOLISH!

Well I could remember that idiot sailor who commented something like, "If you don't accept Pinoy Pride, I better not see you around in the Philippines or I will PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE..." well, he certainly shows just how unprofessional many Pinoys are. Sad to say, but the picture on the right side actually shows a LOT of problems that the Philippines suffers from. I do like the idea of the picture of a Failipino/FLIPFAG who is dressed up with a fake crown, a salakot (a Filipino style of native hat), wearing nothing but a bahag and holding a scepter while walking with a thumb tacks struck in his foot, and he is IGNORING it. The symbolism can be utterly explained. So there is the rotten fake crown of Pinoy Pride , complete with the PNoy Pride ribbon . So what's with the crown? It's really the top of everything and showing what is FREAKING WRONG WITH A LOT OF FILIPINOS. Again, the KEYWORD at least, for now, is A LOT not all BEFORE YOU POINT MISSERS START TROLLING...

The 72 Victims Of The Valenzuela Fire Yesterday IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN KRIS AQUINO!

This is a MUCH bigger problem than that attention whore! Whether you like it or not, it happened yesterday that the Kentex footwear factory caught on fire killing 72 people in the incident , no survivors were found and 24 are missing, whose status is still in need of verification.  That fire was no joke as 72 might be too low a number for some but who can remember the 44 soldiers DEAD during the Mamasapano incident ?  I really wish their neighborhood will declare a day of mourning for these people who died in this horrible mishap!  Just think of how many women and children became widows and orphans no thanks to that horrible incident! Unfortunately, it doesn't look like that the situation is given as much importance as ANYTHING that happens to the media whore Kris Aquino!  Come on, when will people ever learn to separate Kris and State ?!  It's really annoying to see how Kris Aquino's EVERY MINOR DETAIL is given too much importance while there are LOTS of...

Failipino Pridists, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO FREE RIDE on This Talented Pinay, Gerphil Flores!

So okay I'm not particularly an Asia's Got Talent viewer since I'm not too much of a musical enthusiast but watch how Gerphil Flores gets the REAL recognition she deserves !  Here we have Asia's Got Talent and the judges praise her for her performance.  Even better, one of the judges of this show is one of my favorite actors Vanness Wu, member of the now disbanded F4 praise this GENUINE PINOY TALENT... and while it was robbed of her in the Philippines, she now gets it recognized in SINGAPORE which FLIPFAGs tend to call as "Everybody's favorite tyranny". Just look below at how ABiaS-CBN's two witches Ai-Ai Delas Alas and Krisis Aquino disgrace her on purpose.  Now here's reasons from The Philippine Pride : Both Ai-ai and Kris know nothing about classical music.  Both judges don’t know how to appreciate the real talent because they are not talented. Both judges think that Gerphil has no future because most Filipinos, especially at her age...

Why PNoy Pride Won't Save The Philippines

Before you accuse me again of being a closet Macoytard, you better gather evidence first BECAUSE I am neither for Aquino nor Marcos. One of the Philippines' biggest problems is called PNoy Pride. I just got the idea of using PNoy Pride from an unintentionally wrote "PNoy" instead of "Pinoy" referring to somebody beheaded in Saudi Arabia for murder. Now what's wrong with PNoy Pride? If Pinoy Pride is the big culture of the Philippines, as of right now it's suffered from PNoy Pride from 2010 and maybe, the same disease will go on even after his INCOMPETENT TERM IS OVER. So let's discuss about PNoy Pride. I keep hearing how people keep saying that President Nobita Aquino (PNoy) is the best president ever. For them PNoy Pridists, he's number one and he can do no wrong. Would he have really performed the penitensya , I would suspect that PNoy Pridists will say, "One more term for PNoy!" during the event. I really think about how stupid ...

Four Reasons Why The Idea of Maintaining Pinoy Racial Purity Is Just Absurd

I do speculate it but some Filipinos may actually be very obsessed with the idea of "Racial Pinoy Purity" just as Adolf Hitler was obsessed with "Aryan race supremacy". When I think of the idea of Filipino racists thinking they are some sort of master race , I can't help but laugh at what I'm imagining right now in what might be the quest to " maintain Pinoy racial purity " because of the following reasons. 1.) Like it or not, the Philippines before it even started, was a result of many settlers. You cannot deny that when the Philippines before it was even named as such after a FOREIGN KING, you cannot deny that there were already many settlers such as the INDONESIANS, MALAYSIANS, AETAS, INDIANS, ARABS, AND EVEN CHINESE. That is, how sure are these ultranationalist FLIPFAGs that they have no foreign blood? 2.) When the Philippines was named as the Philippines, it was named AFTER a foreign king. The country was for nearly 300 years, a colony...


Here's a funny Photoshop that I've seen on the Internet with President Nobita as the "model" of Safeguard soap with the statement, "Kills 99.9% of accountability". So what's really going on? It's an ongoing problem which was well-propagated during the Marcos years  which continues until today. During the Marcos years, cronyism was very rampant as Marcos allies got extra protection during the Marcos years. Even before that, Diosdado Macapagal had been responsible for several cover-ups when it came to his allies in various government sectors. Sad to say the problem has been worsened thanks to the oligarchy structure endorsed by the Marcos years, reaffirmed during the Cory years  and sad to say, still CONTINUED during the soon-to-end Nobita Administration. When you think about it, the problem has usually stayed the same regardless who the president is. Focusing on the Nobita Presidency, why hasn't he really taken care of his appointees who ha...

President Nobita Aquino DOES NOT Deserve His Degree In A.B. Economics!

What a STUUUUPID ECONOMIST! It's a shame really to realize that President Nobita Aquino as a Bachelor of Arts in Economics in Ateneo De Manila University (which is a VERY HARD school to get into). Besides, how is the country's economy? It's "good" if you believe ABiaS-CBN News Network... maybe the GDP has really increased but how are they allocating the money? When I think about DAP, PDAF and other financial mismanagents... then POOF all that stupid president does is BLAME Gloria Macapagal Arroyo for everything that goes wrong in his life. With the recent MRT problem of cutting down 12 MRT trains, come on you have a LOT OF PEOPLE (DEMAND) and he (together with the help of Joseph Pabaya) decided to cut down the supply (the MRT units) from TWENTY down to EIGHT which really reduces efficiency. While it's true in economics that when the supply is low and the demand is high that prices go up, but when prices are TOO HIGH then that's inflation. Inflatio...

Wow! So Philippines Has The SLOWEST Internet In The ASEAN?

Whenever I get the problem of slow Internet, I cannot help but develop a conspiracy theory that it's really government doing.  However when we stick to the basic facts, here are some facts that we need to realize with Philippine Internet Service Providers and the geography of the Philippines.  The Philippines is an archipelago, composed of 7,107 islands and shouldn't that tell the STUPID GOVERNMENT and protectionist lovers that protectionism is NOT feasible in the geography?  With 7,107 islands there is always the constraint of having to maintain undersea cables which is costly.  However this task CANNOT be accomplished so easily thanks to protectionism. Again, the Philippines has the problem of having two ISPs namely Globe and PLDT, both oligarchy-ran companies.  Now Singapore can do with just two or three ISPs because it's a very small country that it would be the last place I'd migrate to if I ever get too frustrated with my country to avoid sinking the ...

A Possible Connection Between Overspending and EPAL Among Failipinos?

I have written to the problem of using lifestyle as an indicator of one's wealth .  Now I would want to further discuss my observation and this doesn't require a master economist to figure things out about a possible connection between overspending and the state of EPAL among many Filipinos.  I have noticed more often than not that the lifestyle has become an indicator that one is rich rather than the amount of money that one has in the bank as an indicator that one is rich. As a child, I remembered how often it is if you have the latest stuff or a lot of stuff, you must be freaking rich and even as a grown-up, that problem didn't disappear from people I already avoid like a plague.  The problem of many Filipinos is how more often than not, they may have the tendency to think that having the latest stuff makes them powerful, never mind even if they become "baon na baon, libing na libing sa utang" or "carrying a heavy debt, much buried in debt" like man...

Failipinos Are A Very Epal People!

The ultimate symbol of EPAL... Epal is a new term that has become very new to the Tagalog vocabulary.  Having grown up as a Filipino-Chinese, I have not encountered the word "epal" in the study of the Filipino language whether it was elementary, high school or even in my college days.  The word may become very foreign but the meaning isn't anything new. Epal actually means the person is such an "attention grabber" and the definition on the right can mean a lot. If we are to spell out the letters in English as an acronym it can mean, "Extra Person Always Lingering" which one way or another, tells us that something is wrong with the culture of epal and sad to say but the Philippines can be shown to be a culture of epal and that DOES NOT make life worth living in the Philippines if you are a decent-minded Pinoy  and not a Failipino.  Sad to say the Philippines is full of Failipinos instead of decent minded Filipinos. When I think of the cultu...

Successful Pinoys Are A Source of FLIPFAG Shame, Not FLIPFAG Pride!

Last time, I wrote why Pacquiao is a source of FLIPFAG shame and not FLIPFAG pride , I might provide bite size articles aside day to day whenever I can to keep this blog awake whenever I can. Now it's time to write on why successful Pinoys are a source of FLIPFAG shame, not FLIPFAG pride. When you think about FLIPFAGs, they are very prone to free-riding on successful Pinoys . Every time a Pinoy succeeds, they shout that they are the greatest race in the world never mind that before that certain successful Pinoy made it big, they all took their time to jeer on him/her.  I remembered how Lydia De Vega wasn't so well-received with her perseverance and determination before she became one of the athletes to be named as the fastest woman in the world during that time as shown in "Magpakailanman". She did not win the award of world's fastest woman because she was a Filipino, she won the award because she used her athletic abilities to the fullest.  I don't argue w...

Has China Really Become The Current National Scapegoat Country Of the Philippines?

When I think of the ErgoCha Milk Tea incident, some FLIFPAGs dared to keep commenting that the tea formula was "Made in China" that's why it became lethal. I have noticed how quick a lot of FLIPFAGs are to blame China also for the miseries of the country. Maybe it was because of the three drug mules incident  and that China decided to carry on with the execution in spite of the useless pleas . From what I realize, Failipinos may now be using China as a convenient scapegoat to escape their problems or two, to avoid accountability or three, to play the victim card. Now I don't approve of China's bullying but the problem is that, we cannot easily deal with the awakened dragon . Whether you like it or not, China had emerged more progressive than the Philippines because it had started to realize what its old backward culture (done during Mao Zedong's dictatorship) had done to destroy it in the past. When it removed economic protectionism, it became a prosperous ...

If You Want More Jobs, Then OPEN UP THE ECONOMY

They whine... NO JOBS, PROTECT LABOR... but they still cry out for...PROTECTIONISM! WHAT IDIOTS! Why is the Pinoy drug mule phenomenon happening? I would blame many factors to why the Philippines is a paradise for drug dealers - lack of jobs, corrupt officials that only favor the elite (hence cronyism and the oligarchy and the submission of STUPID economic protectionism ) diminishes jobs which in turn will greatly lessen the need to  create the need for OFWs . However the topic I am writing about jobs and getting rid of protectionism. While it does sound absurd to the ears of protectionists who have their STUPID LOGIC ... like how many times does it need to be whacked into their asses that foreign investment is NOT foreign invasion  and the  OFW phenomenon does not mean that Filipinos are taking over the world ? I guess I've whacked it into their asses and shoved it down their throats a MILLION times already? Get it? Again, let's just do some analysis to how gettin...