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Showing posts from August, 2016

Please Stop Using Mr. Blame, Use Mr. Clean Instead!

It's no secret that even before the PNoy Pride Administration, it's already a problem that many Filipinos love to play the blame game  for their losses. Even before Noynoy kept blaming others  many Filipinos tend to blame other people for their losses. I can't forget some ridiculous excuses that can be made like it's the fault of the other team because their arm pits smelled bad that's why they lost or they blame the judges instead of themselves when the loss was clearly their fault. Maybe you can also remember the story of Juan Tamad where he blamed the crabs instead of himself that the crabs didn't reach home. It's really an excuse to keep living according to the blame others for your misery, isn't it?

Noynoy Can't Keep Blaming Others For His Terrible Offenses Forever!

Former president Noynoy doesn't deserve to be recorded as a national hero . It's really a problem that a lot of PNoy Pridists  who still insist that Noynoy is the best president ever , that the 1987 Constitution doesn't need any changes  and that we're "Asia's next miracle" thanks to their beloved Noynoy. The whole cry of PNoy Pride is, "Accept PNoy Pride or else." They would assume in the road of false dichotomy that if you're not for Noynoy or for the Aquinos  then you must be for Marcos, for dictatorship and maybe for " foreign invasion " if you want to get rid of the 60/40. Those PNoy Pridists are just among the many reasons why it's very easy to unfairly put a negative image towards all Filipinos.

Former President Noynoy Aquino Is NO HERO To The Philippines

Considering that tomorrow is Ninoy Aquino day, I thought I'd consider doing something different. Instead of focusing on the late Ninoy, I think I might focus on the former president Noynoy. Noynoy did mention that he might become a hero like his father to preserve his father's legacy. Big talk for that guy considering he didn't even willingly risk his neck during the Manila Hostage Crisis or the SAF-44 incident . Instead, what does that guy do anyway? It's all but big talk and Noytards just can't accept that Noynoy is not the best president ever neither is he a hero for the Philippines. What did the whole Aquino legacy leave behind for Filipinos to be proud of anyway? Ever since the 1987 Constitution, things just got worse and worse. Not only have they created a legacy of martial law crybabies but they've also created a legacy of a Philippines that's stagnant. The 1987 Constitution has left the Philippines with the Tagalog imperialist system , le...

Filipinos Fighting For Constitutional Reform For A Better Philippines Are Also New Heroes!

Forget about the, " All OFWs are the new heroes ." hype because that's not true. While some OFWs are indeed new heroes but others are just Okay Fine Whatever  that's why many of them remain poor. There's NOTHING heroic about working abroad, feeding leeches and starting the cycle all over again. But do you know who are among the new heroes of the Philippines? I'm not just going to focus on Filipinos who show the world that the Philippines can achieve something by winning competitions and contributing to knowledge but also Filipinos who are fighting for a better Philippines. They're new heroes not only because they follow simple guidelines  but also they're fighting to make the Philippines a better place.

Indifference Is Killing The Filipino Society!

Do you ever think this picture is true anywhere? It's also true for the Filipino society and puh-lease, don't give me any more of, "Well nangyari naman yun sa ibang bansa!" or "Well, it's also happening in other countries." because that kind of behavior contributes to failure. The issue has Filipinos who are trying to save the sinking boat vs. Filipinos who are glad that the hole isn't in their end and are indifferent. I think that kind of situation also was another good reason why a lot of ship disasters also happen. 

You Say That There's No Such Thing As Racist Filipinos? Really, Tell Me About It!

Racism is a reality and no race is ever excluded from it. It's really annoying to have racists, isn't it? It's a problem whenever certain Filipinos tend to label someone outside their ethnicity as "racist" whenever they're criticized. While there's always ground to tell people how not to offer criticism but the problem is when you assume all criticism is an act of racism. What's worse is that some Filipinos may even outrageously claim that there's no such thing as a Filipino racist. But let me really raise this question against them with this statement, "REALLY? TELL ME ABOUT IT!"


It's very annoying to have those Filipino ultranationalists who are on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Blogger, Wordpress, etc. Let me ask these simple questions to really show to them how self-contradictory they really are. First, I'd like to ask them whether or not Filipinos invented computers and the Internet. They may be paying electric bills and telecommunication bills from local Filipino companies but the concept isn't Filipino. Filipinos today enjoy a lot of stuff because of foreign influence. Besides, I could also attack them by asking them if their appliances were all made by Filipinos. I don't think any of their appliances were of Filipino brands and/or made by Filipinos. Even if Filipino workers were there in certain countries how sure are they that they were assembled by Filipino hands? Even if Filipino workers did the assembling don't tell me that there weren't anything non-Filipino in those appliances.

Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre Jr. Will Continue To Hurt Those Impunity Lovers!

It can't be denied how he's known as the lawyer who closed his ears in frustration to Miriam Defensor Santiago's tirades. Yet it can't be denied he was also the lawyer who was at his best behavior as Getulio Napenas' lawyer. What can't be denied by now is that he's also the kind of justice secretary that the Philippines badly needs. Considering Santiago herself has already accepted the fact that "justice has been done", it's time to get past the ears covering incident and focus on how he's hurting impunity lovers who thought he may have been their new hero.

It's Self-Contradictory To Oppose Economic Liberalization While Dreaming Of Going To First World Countries

With the current plans of President Rody Duterte to open up the economy, it's very easy to see that there are many who'll oppose it. The reason for opposing economic liberalization comes with various stupid reasons. Some of these reasons include they think that foreign investors are foreign invaders , they have a backwards mindset no thanks to their lack of knowledge in basic economics , they think that only foreigners will get rich in allowing more foreign investors  or they're simply those super annoying  ultranationalists . 

"Da Pinoy Empire" Is Nothing More Than Idealistic Nonsense!

After reading Chinocracy's post on " Filipino Imperialism ", it's easy to see the phenomenon called "Pinoy Pride". Then we have the stupid idea of the idealistic existence of the so-called "Da Pinoy Empire". So what's with this "Da Pinoy Empire" anyway? Is it beneficial to the Philippines or not The Philippines has been run by the system which can be dubbed as " Imperial Manila ". We've had several arrogant Tagalogs who protest "No to imperialism!" while they hypocritically adhere to running the Philippines like an empire. It's true that "Da Pinoy Empire" does exist but only within the 7,107 islands of the Philippines. It doesn't exist anywhere outside that territory. But there are some who think otherwise that their "Da Pinoy Empire" is a worldwide empire. 

Make More Filipinos Know The Need For Economic Reforms And Why OFWs Aren't Necessarily The "Bagong Bayani"

One of the biggest problems of the 1987 Constitution is that it continued the OFW program instead of helping solve the problem. The problem today is that the Constitution has limited foreign investment to 60/40. Foreigners may own only 40% of the business and Filipinos are entitled to own 60%. This is very different than some countries who actually allow a minimum of 50% and above for foreign investors.  It's really annoying for any economically literate Filipino to hear from economically illiterate Filipinos that foreign investors are foreign invaders . Whenever it's time to talk about the idea of opening up the economy, it's very expected for anybody to give a lot of stupid excuses and ideas. These ideas may include the idea that only foreigners will get rich  or that foreign businesses will put all Filipinos out of business . These are on a case to case basis. If a country doesn't put any reasonable restriction with foreign investors then it'll be chaos. B...

The Hypocrisy Of The "Stand By Your Fellow Filipino No Matter What" Crowd

It's noticeable that some Filipinos tend to be stuck in the mentality of people who believe that you must stand by your fellow Filipino or Pinoy no matter what. If anybody can remember two major incidents namely the Flor Contemplacion incident and the three drug mules incident  that mindset was so widely displayed. These people were confirmed guilty after a three year trial. One was really guilty of murder to her fellow Filipino Delia Maga and the other three were guilty of acting out as agents of drug trafficking. Some Filipinos indeed think that you must stand by your fellow Filipino no matter what even if that fellow Filipino of yours is already a wanted criminal. 

So You're Watching Telebasuras In The Name Of "Nationalism"?

For several years, the Philippines already has the problem of the telebasura plague. Why are they called telebasuras? They're not worth the watch and the quality is so bad it's best thrown into the garbage can. It's not because it's locally made or that Filipinos made it. It's because of how poor the quality of these shows are. Why are a lot of Filipino television dramas really bad? Some of the reasons that any Filipino who's fed up with them can name are really bad acting, really bad pacing, overextension at the cost of quality, promoting the victim card mentality , encouraging overacting scenes and when they're shown there's too many advertisements. 

Basic Economics, History And Current Events Debunk The Notion Of Self-Industrialization

It doesn't take a genius to figure out what in the world is wrong with Heneral Lunatic's way of thinking . He says first world countries used protectionism to reach where they are now but the claim is bogus based on basic historical knowledge. If  people are to study history based on reliable sources and not faulty textbooks like those of the DepEd, they can find out that the first world countries didn't self-industrialize and it's just a stupid fantasy. A few examples in history can disprove Lunatic's self-industrialization theory. Some examples are  China during Mao Zedong's time VS. China during Deng Xiaoping's time and  North Korea vs. South Korea . These are a few examples of how self-industrialization is just an idealistic man's idea while economic liberalization works. A look at both history and current events will help analyze the stupidity behind Lunatic's proposal of self-industrialized countries.