National Improvement NOT Sloganeering Will Improve Tourism and Investment For the Better in the Philippines!
This is a laughable claim unless improvement REALLY happens! As I mentioned, sloganeering DOES NOT change the truth about the Philippines no matter how many times you try to invert it. You cannot deny it that slogans are attractive but the truth is in fact, more heavy against the tagline. There is a statement that advertising works but testimonials can affect your traffic dramatically. I the tagline and the testimonial do not match, do expect a drastic reduction of visitors. Testimonials will always matter more than taglines . A lousy product no matter how much it is marketed for, it will always be a lousy product. Sometimes something that's not very heard of at first will get noticed because of its quality. Just think if somebody promoted, "It's More Fun in Bangladesh." a nation that's worse than the Philippines, just think a huge number of gullible tourists may first enter in THEN hardly anyone will return. Deceit may work for now but r...