Well, happy new year or is it? I would say that saying "Happy new year!" to people can either be a compliment or a putdown. Why would it be both a compliment or a putdown? It's because some people still have money or got more money after the new year. Some people may be richer due to high revenues and due to keeping the Christmas bonuses and 13th monthly pay wisely. However, saying "Happy new year!" would be a putdown or insult if you've wasted all your money on the Christmas and New Year celebrations . Worse, if you ended up spending more than one saves because of stuff like firecracker-related injuries . There's nothing wrong with celebrating Christmas and New Year. The problem is when one treats celebrations like recreational drugs . If you want to celebrate then celebrate within your means . It reminds me of how some people go home to their families, spend time together, have a simple celebration, cook fancy food, and the like. However, many Fil...
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