Would You Wish That It Were Christmas Every Day In The Philippines?

I have made some observations about the Christmas season here in the Philippines. I could notice that there are many people who love Christmas for the wrong reasons. What reasons are there to love Christmas in the Philippines? Let's consider some reasons that make people like the holiday so much. You could consider that people just love receiving pinaskohans that they'd rather beg for it than wait for others to give it. When Christmas is near then it means one may be getting their 13th-month pay and Christmas bonuses. Then I observe how people can't wait for Christmas so they can go caroling to receive money rather than get a decent job. Worse, you can attribute it to the fiesta mentality that many Filipinos have.

I really think about why I tend to dislike December a lot as an adult. I have nothing against celebrating Christmas or having a Christmas party though. Some people celebrate their Christmas parties with much decency and well-conduct. However, some Filipinos (regardless of income level and some of them happen to be lower class citizens) tend to celebrate DISGRACEFULLY and NOISILY. I remembered the 90s can also be a terrible time. I remembered having poorer neighbors who would have their Christmas parties with lots of loud noise, partying beyond midnight, and full of DRUNKEN BEHAVIOR. Some are even crazy enough to have a band play that late. Those are considered "good times" for a lot of people aside from the 13th-month pay, the Christmas bonus, and the pinaskohans they receive. They want to only have fun. In short, they just want to be in an eternal state of bliss. Is it me or is celebrating Christmas and New Year in the Philippines treated like recreational drugs? All these make me think that some Filipinos may actually be wishing that it'd be Christmas every single day in the Philippines.

Christmas every day? Well, that would sound really cool to such people who just want to be in an eternal state of bliss. I noticed at how often some Filipinos can't wait for the next barrio fiesta, for the next payday, and maybe for the next Christmas. After all, who doesn't like having double pay and bonuses at Christmas? Who doesn't like having Christmas parties? But their definition of a Christmas party defies mine. While I've had simple get-togethers or eat-outs (depending on what's convenient) - they want to have all the noise and drunken behavior. They would rather celebrate all the time than work. How often is it to be late for work but to be on-time for the barrio fiesta? But if it were Christmas every day then here's what - there's nothing to look forward to.

I remembered as a 90s child I saw some films like Elmo Saves Christmas and Christmas Every Day. Christmas Every Day talks about how a little girl named Matilda foolishly wished it'd be Christmas every day and it did. Just right now, I'm glad that it's just a story but it's meant to teach a lesson. The whole film really shows how dreary it'd become. After several weeks and months - a lot of stuff happened. Inflation was a serious consequence all because it was Christmas every day in that fable. The overly high demand for turkeys, cranberries, Christmas trees, Christmas presents, and the like led to inflation. Turkeys, cranberries, and trees take time to GROW. You would have to wait for the turkeys to reach a certain age before they are qualified to become roast. Yet, because it was Christmas every day then you can think of how they ended up slaughtering every turkey that they sold hummingbirds instead. The prices skyrocketed because supply was too low and demand was too high.

The consequence of Christmas every day won't be good for the economy either. Consumerism and commercialism are dangerous for the economy. True, spending keeps the economy around but there has to be the source of spending power and something to spend on. It's just like that we need money but nature is the source of economic growth. Destroy nature and you eventually destroy economic growth. The biggest source of jobs and funds are private-owned businesses themselves. If it were Christmas every day then can you imagine if companies had to give 13th month pay EVERY MONTH? Companies have to earn a profit as part of keeping companies going. They have to accumulate money before they can do ANYTHING from purchasing raw materials, equipment, and giving salaries. A company has to have its financial department make decisions to keep it going. It just can't automatically give a raise, purchase more expensive supplies and equipment, and the like WITHOUT any real analysis. It would also be financial SUICIDE for companies to give 13th-month pay EVERY MONTH because it has to account for EVERYTHING related to it. Companies will die out, as a result, leaving plenty of people UNEMPLOYED. No businesses mean no taxes for the government to collect. Eventually, when businesses die then so does the government because there will be NO MORE MONEY in the form of taxable revenues!

Yet, is it me or do some Filipinos still have a lack of understanding of BASIC ECONOMICS? Socialism or communism itself is stupid. How many times have we seen communism ruin countries? China under Mao Zedong was a very poor country. Venezuela and North Korea have citizens who can barely support themselves. If you can't account for the input then you can't account for the output. How often do you hear of communists who demand lower prices of goods while increasing their salaries? Salaries are part of the COST OF PRODUCTION. How do you expect rice to be cheaper if the cost of palay is expensive? The cost of palay is part of the COST OF PRODUCTION. But for commie-minded idiots - all they care about is getting free stuff. If that's so that you want everything free - then expect quality to drop and wages to be abolished. That is expect to have only poor services and work without pay. Get rid of businesses and you get rid of employment. Get rid of businesses and governments will have no source of funding. Christmas every day is just be treated the same way socialism is treated. It's an idea good on paper only but would eventually backfire when practiced!
