The Anti-FDI Crowd Better Prove That First World Countries Are Protectionist And Third World Countries Are Free Trade
I still can't forget this ridiculously stupid meme of Heneral Lunatic and Pedro Paterno. Here we have Heneral Lunatic's ridiculous idea that needs to be tested on some uncharted island . If they're not willing to test their ridiculous idea on some uncharted island then they better prove the statement with facts. Didn't Heneral Lunatic say that we need to study history? By saying so, he's practically SHOT HIMSELF at the foot with that statement. Now, they need to present CONCRETE DATA that will once and for all prove that first-world countries progressed not by economic liberalization but through economic protectionism. They insist that we must study history and look at first-world countries, right? They better bring evidence to their claims! Here are a few things that the anti-FDI crowd needs to prove to be real to justify economic protectionism: Prove that Lee Kuan Yew turned Singapore into a first world country by economic protectionism than by free trade. The...