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The Irony Of Spreading Filipino Communist Agenda Using IMPORTED, CAPITALIST-Made Devices

Here's a video of Filipino communists singing the Internationale in the Tagalog language. This really makes me laugh for this reason - communism has NEVER been compatible with capitalism. Communism itself is built on the premise of socialism. Socialism is defined by Investopedia as a populist economic system that bases its economic and political decisions on production and distribution. A purely socialist system would have all legal production and distribution dictated made by the government and citizens rely on the state for their basic needs. On the other hand, capitalism is defined by Investopedia as an economic system where private individuals or businesses own capital goods. The production of goods and services would be based on supply and demand. These two concepts are just very contradictory.

What makes the video of those singing the Internationale contradictory to their so-called nationalism? The Internet is a product of capitalism and it's not even a Filipino invention. Social media platforms are all products of capitalism. Google and Apple devices couldn't have been invented if it wasn't for the American free market. Samsung would have not made it big if South Korea didn't let Japanese electronic companies compete with them at a fair level. These Filipino communists are recording their singing of the Internationale in Tagalog with a locally made camera? They are using the Internet to rant about how "nationalistic" they are by broadcasting it on Youtube which again couldn't exist without, you guessed it, CAPITALISM. I can't even write this article if it wasn't for capitalism either! Heck, the writer of the now-empty Fliptards blog can't write his previously written posts if it wasn't for capitalism which he so hates! Not to mention, they can't even let us listen to their music without capitalism or that they're playing Filipino communist songs on devices made again through CAPITALISM.

If anything defines the Filipino socialist's self-contradiction is no different from socialists abroad. They go to good restaurants to have a good time, they use social media to spread their agenda, and they use high-end devices such as a brand new i-Phone to complain about capitalism. The irony is that they are using high-end devices made by CAPITALISM to rant and rant about how unfair it is. They are just shooting themselves at the foot.
