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Showing posts from November, 2021

Basic Cost Accounting Will Tell Why Salaries Can't Be Increased While Reducing Cost Of Goods/Services At The Same Time

It's a very common demand by Filipino communists to increase salaries while wanting the cost of goods to be lowered at the same time . Such a statement is made out of ignorance. I remembered having my cost accounting classes in college. I decided to dig through cost accounting again to discuss this common sense post.  Understanding the basics of production costs This time, I decided to read through Investopedia to find out about production costs . Here's an introduction to how production costs work. Certain points are highlighted in pink (pun intended) to help show how salaries help contribute to an increase in prices in finished goods and services.  What Are Production Costs? Production costs refer to all of the direct and indirect costs businesses face from manufacturing a product or providing a service. Production costs can include a variety of expenses, such as labor, raw materials, consumable manufacturing supplies, and general overhead. KEY TAKEAWAYS Production costs re...

Can Leni Loud Robredo Raise Up Salaries Without Increasing The Cost Of Goods?

  This is JUST AMAZING now, isn't it? Members of the Alliance of Labor Leaders for Leni Loud are now asking for HIGHER WAGES AND LOWER PRICES. Seriously? If they are going to look at the COSTS OF PRODUCTION - salary is part of the COST OF PRODUCTION. If salaries are high then the cost of production gets higher. If a restaurant pays the staff more then they should charge the customers more. If a restaurant offers better food and services then naturally the prices must GO UP. The same goes for the production of goods and services - a higher salary means a higher cost of production. If they want higher salaries then the cost of goods must GO UP in order to come up with higher salaries. If farmworkers are paid more then shouldn't the cost of agricultural products be sold at a higher price to keep up with the salary? Otherwise, it would be forced to lay off certain workers if higher salaries are to be paid. Layoffs happen if the company can't pay everyone's salary at that sa...

Filipinos Celebrating Christmas Should Be Careful With Their Health Habits This Holiday Season Especially With COVID-19 Still Going On

Christmas is just around the corner especially it's nearly the end of November, right? I remembered the excitement associated with Christmas because of gifts and parties. Party time meant serving a lot of delicious food. Though, with my recent health-conscious self - I've started to be careful about party food. A lot of foods during the Christmas season (for those who celebrate it) are lechon, leche flan, and a lot of high cholesterol foods tend to be served. On occasion, these foods aren't bad. I tend to have lechon on occasion such as parties though I started avoiding pork as much as possible for health reasons. Pork is rather high in cholesterol and it's much more difficult to prepare than beef or chicken. Besides, there are some healthy alternatives such as turkey bacon, and chicken hotdogs. It seems to be the norm in the Philippines to have the fiesta mentality . I remembered spending the first 13 years of my life living downtown. It was so annoying to have neighbo...

Why Not Legalize The Communist Party Of The Philippines Under THE PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM?

I was thinking about one of the many lines of Ninoy Aquino's speech in Los Angeles. One of them was concerning the legalization of the Communist Party. This would actually be an interesting concept with these words: Q: What relationship does the UNIDO party have to the National Democratic Front who has played a central role in arguing the Filipino people’s case against the Marcos dictatorship and who presently has a base of support of over 10 million? A: I do not know the actual relationship today between the United Democratic Opposition in the Philippines and the National Democratic Front. I’ve said in many of my writings that the National Democratic Front, especially its militant arm, the New People’s Army has been instrumental in many social changes in our country. There may have been, there may be a difference in ideology and approach but we are united in one, we are united against the dictatorship. My position is very clear. If we will succeed in overthrowing the dictatorship,...

The Pinklawan Variant Can Be Defeated With The Vaccine Called Constitutional Reform

Picture modified for laughs only, okay? Right now, I feel like writing a new eye-opening satire which I call the Pinklawan Virus. Back then, I wrote a satirical article about the vaccine-immune COVID-19 mutated strains . Later on, I decided to write about the other SYMBOLIC COVID-19 variants such as the Oakwood Variant  and the Dilawan Variant . That's why I call these COVID-19 "variants" vaccine-immune variants. True, COVID-19 vaccines will help fight the actual variants. However, the symbolic variants can't be defeated by literal vaccines but only a symbolic vaccine called CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM. The variant is so contagious as it can easily spread through social media, no amount of handwashing will kill it, and even fully vaccinated people can get it. The Pinklawan Variant is now a newer, stronger version of Leni-COVID-19  - a mental COVID-19 that's more of a battle for the mind than the respiratory system. It would be amusing that a literal new variant is actua...

Leni Loud Robredo's Recent BUMMER Hadoken/Kamehameha Tiktok Campaign Is Another INCREDIBLY Massive Failure Of The Mind

It's no secret that I'm a casual fan of just about everything. Right now, I was LMAOing when I saw Vice President Leni Loud Robredo do the Hadouken. Leni Loud's campaign manager is after all none than Bum Aquino himself. Bum is known as a fan of comics and the like. Nothing is wrong with Bum liking similar stuff but he should learn to separate REAL LIFE FROM WORK. Just looking at her recent Hadouken/Kamehameha Tiktok campaign is really just stupid... Honestly, this is just LMAO and maybe face desking at the same time. I dunno how to even account for this. This is really nothing more than the Liberal Party's cartoon politics . It was already something when the late Noynoy Aquino was compared to Nobita from Doraemon . Cartoon politics played a part in 2010 and 2016 - we had Super Mar and Wonder Leni . I simply laughed looking at the short to the point it becomes a source of ridicule. Just how old do they think the voters are? Nobody can be a voter in the Philippines excep...

Coming Soon To Kapamilya Channel's Primetime Teleserye: "Laban Leni"

The Yellowtards ahem Pinklawans ahem Robredogs can't stop huh? I could remember how the 2016 elections gave us the "hit comic book" called Sa Gitna Ng Unos which tried to portray Mar Roxas as the Superhero of Yolanda. Well, after Super Mar - we had Wonder Leni . A comic book known as Servant Leader was released though it's nothing compared to another recent comic book. The recent comic book by Doc Ernest might be the latest tool called Laban Leni to which Vice President Leni Loud Robredo herself is called Superwoman Leni Loud Robredo. Calling her a "quiet worker" is definitely defying the science of acoustics . The joke's on Leni Loud as I prefer to call her Leni Loud than Leni alone because she's almost as loud as Leni Loud from The Loud House .  Leni Loud's current campaign really reminds me of the film Ang Tanging Ina N'yong Lahat - a film that ironically showed the perils of the presidential system. Right now, the Liberal Party is really...

The Blah-Blah-Blahs Of The Anti-Reform Crybabies About Foreign Direct Investments

I remembered I wrote about the blah-blah-blahs of anti-reform crybabies about the parliamentary system . There have a lot of blah-blah-blahs here and here so I thought about writing the blah-blah-blahs concerning foreign direct investments. It would be a good thing to enumerate the stupidity of these groups - especially among the FILIPINO COMMUNISTS. Well, it's time to evaluate these blah-blah-blahs and discuss why they are wrong. "But only foreign investors will get rich! They will plunder our resources and we will all become poor! " The lie that only foreign investors will get rich is one of the most blatant lies to anybody who studies history. It reminds me of how I had an argument with someone over it. This is the same lie that Neri Colmenares of Bayad Muna has been spouting OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Thankfully, the guy already lost several races. Thankfully, Toady Casino himself has also become irrelevant one way or another. Yet, the same lie is still spread all over aga...

Filipino Communists And Yellow (Now Pink) Communists Can Just Cry Loud As China Overtakes The USA's Economy

A few days ago, I missed the fact that China has managed to beat the U.S. economy . Okay, this isn't a post to endorse communism or the human rights violations of the Chinese Communist Party. Rather, this is to be a bit of a humorous eye-opener. The CPP-NPA is once again shamed by Communist China  This is a post to spite the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army (CPP-NPA) at another level. Yes, you got that right - the irony that Filipino communists HATE China . The CPP-NPA could've won ages ago but they FAILED to secure their possible closest ally . A long narrative would actually tell you everything wrong.  The CPP-NPA had been formed in the 1970s and it's 2021 - they still FAILED in their takeover. Its founder Jose Maria Sison is still seeking asylum in the democratic capitalist Netherlands. I'm amazed that Sison could've asked for asylum during the reign of Deng Xiaoping in China. Instead, why did he even flee to the democratic Netherlands in...

Is Leni Loud Robredo Promising A Welfare State For Filipinos?

The candidacy of Vice President Leni Loud Robredo is on, right? Well, I'm thinking about her platforms and I'm really not that amused. I don't mind her running IF she's actually in for economic liberalization for a start. The campaign seems to be more focused on giving free food than teaching Filipinos how to make food . The Chinese proverb goes, "Give a man a fish and he will have a meal for a day. Teach a man how to finish and he will have a meal for a lifetime." A Filipino version of the proverb might be, "Give a person a bowl of lugaw and it's a day's meal. Teach a person how to make lugaw and it's a meal for a lifetime." All that lugaw gatherings really make you wonder what's in her head. Before that, she was even giving free food to people . I remembered one time when I wrote about how 4Ps really makes it look like people are waiting for a shower of gold coins . 4Ps was supposedly a conditional cash transfer where money is given...

The Blah-Blah-Blahs Of The Anti-Reformists Why They Say Parliamentary System Won't Work In The Philippines

Whether we want to admit it or not - the presidential system is really not doing marvels. One could always argue about the performances of the late Noynoy Aquino vs. President Rodrigo R. Duterte. However, it's going nowhere because of the mudslinging of the incompetents last term and this term. Events during the past presidencies that I passed through (that is from the late Corazon Aquino up to the present) made me think about why the parliamentary system would be more ideal. However, people are still making up their excuses regarding the parliamentary system in the Philippines. Excuse #1 - We tried the parliamentary system during Marcos' time, it proved it'll never work This is probably the most common excuse. The late Ferdinand E. Marcos Sr. can't be denied that he's corrupt to the core. Marcos even got the Guinness World Book of Records as the world's greatest thief during his time. People will argue that it worked with Singapore because the late Lee Kuan Yew...

Understanding The Dengvaxia Incident And Why COVID-19 Vaccinations Must Go On

Nope, it's Dr. Flordeliza Fernandez Grana, not Leni Loud Robredo There are still some people hesitant to get the COVID-19 jab, right? One such incident was the Dengvaxia incident happened. Unfortunately, reading comprehension is REALLY LOW in the Philippines . People just comment and comment away - that's why I don't bother feeding the trolls like Benign0 does in his site, Get Real Philippines , which he seems to enjoy feeding trolls thus shrinking his credibility. Besides, I'm just going to continue marking stupid comments as spam because it's a waste of time replying to them or risk having a warzone like Benign0's site.  Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor. This is another common sense post sharing some medical information based on some research. Please do some research before you react. I simply share some information for my posts.   It would be best to do a review on the Dengvaxia incident on what REALLY HAPPENED  I remembered some time ago when Atty. Persida R...