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Leni Loud Robredo's Recent BUMMER Hadoken/Kamehameha Tiktok Campaign Is Another INCREDIBLY Massive Failure Of The Mind

It's no secret that I'm a casual fan of just about everything. Right now, I was LMAOing when I saw Vice President Leni Loud Robredo do the Hadouken. Leni Loud's campaign manager is after all none than Bum Aquino himself. Bum is known as a fan of comics and the like. Nothing is wrong with Bum liking similar stuff but he should learn to separate REAL LIFE FROM WORK. Just looking at her recent Hadouken/Kamehameha Tiktok campaign is really just stupid...

Honestly, this is just LMAO and maybe face desking at the same time. I dunno how to even account for this. This is really nothing more than the Liberal Party's cartoon politics. It was already something when the late Noynoy Aquino was compared to Nobita from Doraemon. Cartoon politics played a part in 2010 and 2016 - we had Super Mar and Wonder Leni. I simply laughed looking at the short to the point it becomes a source of ridicule. Just how old do they think the voters are? Nobody can be a voter in the Philippines except if they are at least 18 YEARS OLD. A voter's license is no different than a driver's license. 

Are they trying to appeal to the childhood of voters (I was a 1990s child) or are they trying to appeal to the children of the voters? It's comparable to opening a restaurant that's for the masses but you're selling expensive meals at the same time. People enter an affordable restaurant to eat AFFORDABLE FOOD. It's like I don't expect a ribeye steak from Turks Shawarma. I really wonder are they aware of niche marketing or what? In marketing, one must examine the different marketing segments. It doesn't look like Bum is using whatever knowledge he got from Ateneo De Manila University into good use. A shame that Bum was once an award-winning businessman. Now, Bum is but a laughingstock. A waste of a good mind actually!

Speaking of the Hadouken - I remembered watching Street Fighter II V Anime. Ryu and Ken went to India to learn the ways of the Hadouken. It was said that Bodhidharma (an actual historical figure) was said to learn to harness the powers of the Hadouken. It required a great amount of self-discipline before Ryu and Ken could do the Hadouken - something that they lacked when Col. William Guile defeated them. Guile was an experienced colonel which allowed him to defeat Ryu and Ken. Ryu's and Ken's lack of discipline was why they couldn't get the Hadou power harnessed. Ryu had to clear up his mind before he could even fire the first legendary Hadouken. The concept was somewhat copied from the Dragon Ball Z Anime that Goku had to practice his Kamehameha many times before he could fire the lowest level. Goku had to train over and over before he could power up his Kamehameha for episodes later to come. 

Leni Loud actually LACKS DISCIPLINE in some regard - something that would intervene with her learning to fire a Hadouken. Okay, it's actually scientifically IMPOSSIBLE to fire a Hadouken. However, let's say that the fiction-only moves in Street Fighter can be done in real life. Leni Loud has displayed her severe lack of discipline such as when she REFUSED to acknowledge that the public can also play a part in COVID-19 surges. One incident after the other had proven Leni Loud may be "disente" but she is also a PASAWAY in more than one level. Is it me or does she really have a knack for NOT FOLLOWING SIMPLE GUIDELINES? Again, how do you expect progress in the Philippines when you've got a population that REFUSES TO FOLLOW SIMPLE GUIDELINES? If the Hadouken were real and the characters of Street Fighter were real - she wouldn't be able to the power of the Hadou without developing self-discipline first. 

Instead, the Liberal Party should be focused on CLEAR, CONCRETE REFORMS for the betterment of the nation. For example, Leni Loud could focus on which industries are the next priority to liberalize. Noynoy, in spite of his failures, actually did liberate certain sectors to allow more investors to come in. Leni Loud could talk about removing the restrictions on utilities - something that the Duterte Administration may have failed to address within its term. Instead, it seems Leni Loud is too focused on theatrics. One must ask - is that the kind of leader you want for the nation? Leni Loud's lack of real direction is really LMAO in more than ONE LEVEL. 

Sure, I may no longer a DDS because of President Rodrigo R. Duterte's getting defensive and anger issues. However, just because I stop being a DDS doesn't mean I'm jumping to the Dilawan ahem Pinklawan Camp. Jumping between the two camps back and forth is just sheer insanity. Some people used to be DDS and became Dilawan and vice versa (and the cycle tends to continue) to no end. Just because I'm probably not voting for Bobong Marcos (although I supported his vice presidency once) that Leni Loud is the best candidate. Her lack of discipline further adds up some more to the inevitable massive failure of the mind of the Liberal Party
