I was thinking about one of the many lines of Ninoy Aquino's speech in Los Angeles. One of them was concerning the legalization of the Communist Party. This would actually be an interesting concept with these words:
Q: What relationship does the UNIDO party have to the National Democratic Front who has played a central role in arguing the Filipino people’s case against the Marcos dictatorship and who presently has a base of support of over 10 million?
A: I do not know the actual relationship today between the United Democratic Opposition in the Philippines and the National Democratic Front. I’ve said in many of my writings that the National Democratic Front, especially its militant arm, the New People’s Army has been instrumental in many social changes in our country. There may have been, there may be a difference in ideology and approach but we are united in one, we are united against the dictatorship. My position is very clear. If we will succeed in overthrowing the dictatorship, we should allow every voice and every idea to ventilate their views in the public market. We should legalize the Communist Party of the Philippines and give them exactly the same forum to expound on their ideas, and once they have expounded their ideas and the Filipino people should opt them, then I think we should, in the spirit of democracy accept majority rule. I do not accept a dictatorship of the right, much less will I accept the dictatorship of the left but it should be the Filipino people, in the ultimate sense, who will judge which ideology and which cause that they should endorse.
This makes me think about giving the Communist Party a VOICE. Yes, a legal voice can be done under the parliamentary system. I was thinking of one of the many posts where I asked if Sarah Jane Elgago of Kayabangan Partylist can survive the weekly question hour. Ninoy did point out in his grand speech that the Philippines was under a MOCK PARLIAMENTARY. In short, the Philippines never had a real parliamentary. It was all for show. Ninoy's idea may sound stupid but it wouldn't be under a parliamentary system. Just think of what if CPP party members such as those of Kayabangan Partylist, Bayad Muna, Alliance of Complaining Teachers, and the like were subjected to a parliamentary debate EVERY WEEK.
It wouldn't matter if the CPP got into the opposition or the government. Reckoning happens every week and they are expected to say their part. Let's see the likes of Bayad Muna members like Neri Colmenares, Toady Casino, and Carlos "Heneral Lunatic" Zarate in the same parliamentary forum to expound their ideas. This, in turn, will have the people decide for themselves if they choose to listen to the idiotic rants of the CPP members or will they listen to the rants of people who have presented actual data to refute them. Bayad Muna members can argue all they want then to have the whole Parliament LOSE CONFIDENCE because of their stupidity.
I guess this is why the CPP's legal fronts are against charter change. I believe it's because they don't want to have a real debate. If they did then maybe they'd all be blacklisted from politics. Maybe, Communist China will be laughing at them as they end up becoming IRRELEVANT as a result of their actions.
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