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Showing posts from January, 2018

Maria Ressa Should Hear Herself Talk

The whole hearing on fake news has me thinking that Maria Ressa himself is now playing the victim card all over again. With her latest quote, she even dares to talk about fake news and say, "When people don't know what is real and what is fake, when facts don't matter, then the voice with the loudest megaphone gains more power." -- I'd like to say to Ressa, "You should hear yourself talk first!" Why should she hear herself talk? It's time to consider the REAL problem and DOUBLE standard of the whole stand against fake news. It's not really a fight against fake news but it's a form of selective justice . I would agree that pro-Duterte bloggers who spread fake news should not be above the law -- and they should be given appropriate punishments for stooping down to the level of the enemy.  I would like to address her problem of addressing the loudest megaphone. Please don't tell me that the Dilawans and the oligarchy didn't domina...

Hilarious Davide Shows Just How Ignorant He Is About Basic Economics With His Statement Concerning Foreign Investors

I remembered that I wrote post that discussed how  a failure to understand basic economics leads to backwards thinking . This would be the problem of 82 year old Hilarious Davide as he should be called now. It's a shame really how there are many times that intelligent people can be so stupid when it comes to common sense. This guy is supposedly more intelligent and experienced than I am but his latest statement on foreign investments make me think, "Can't we teach common sense in schools?" Here's an excerpt from ABS-CBN news to the whole blunder committed by Davide: MANILA - The provisions of the Constitution on foreign ownership should remain because amending it may lead to the Philippines being a "colony" of foreign investors, a former chief justice said Monday. The Philippines has "one-fifth of the richest natural resources" and it was "designed that it should only be for Filipinos," said Hilario Davide Jr., a member of ...

Learning From The Japanese Children Cleaning Up Their Classrooms Scenario

This is one of the things I'd like to see get emphasized and implemented in the Philippines. I really hate to think how Filipinos have to complain about their fellow Filipinos who have the hacienda mentality. There's the statement that, "May janitor naman diba?" or "Isn't there a janitor?" whenever they just throw their garbage anywhere. But such is not the case in Modern Japan with how they handle the educational system.   Children are taught the basic life values they need to become responsible citizens by cleaning up for at least 20 minutes (though I'd extend it by ten more minutes) as part of the routine. Then they are made to serve lunch. This is something that a new generation of Filipinos can learn as part of changing the educational system. Before parents complain that it's "child abuse" then they are probably following the mindset of a culture of impunity . Children are supposed to learn to do menial work such as cleanin...

Dermatologist Confirmed: Leni Loud Robredo's Face Is Thicker Than You Expect

In the light of the current events, dermatologists would have REALLY confirmed that Leni Loud Robredo's face is that thick and her skin is so thin . Is it me or is Leni Loud even more hypersensitive and super touchy to criticism than I am? This would be the real problem right now with the latest updates of the SUPER DELAYED move of the electoral protest. Now, here's the latest event that may prove the dermatologist right that Leni Loud's face is indeed that thick with the camp of Leni Loud from GMA-7 News : The camp of Vice President Leni Robredo on Monday said former senator Ferdinand Marcos Jr. only has himself to blame for the delayed resolution in his election protest. Lawyer Romula Macalintal, Robredo's legal counsel, said that Marcos' repeated claims of delay is "baseless" and "self-serving" since the former senator is filing "baseless motions and raising pointless issues." "He only has to blame himself for filing a w...

Ombudsman Isn't Enough, We Need Competent Opposition Watchdogs To Keep Corruption Low

Translation: For every government agency there is a watchdog from the opposition. One of the best features of the parliamentary system is that every agent of the government has a watchdog from the opposition. The current problem is that the government currently has too many rats and too little cats. The Ombudsman is never enough to monitor and help stop corruption. The solution would be to put watchdogs from the opposition. This is one of the features I never heard of until today in my quest to study basic politics to understand the ongoing CoRRECT Agenda. This is where the whole opposition comes in. Let's just think how things would have been if Noynoy Aquino were in the parliamentary system. One of the reasons why several administrations were a failure is because the presidential system provides a faulty check and balance system. A good example is how the United States' system allows almost no check and balance. Under a parliamentary system, a watchdog is plac...

We Need #YesToAnIndependentCHR Not To CHR Playing Partisan Politics

It really disgusts me how "expert" Agnes Callamard calls the Commission on Human Rights an independent institution . May I beg her pardon? CHR is NOT independent as long as it's under Atty. Chito Gascon or anybody who plays partisan politics. Atty. Gascon was appointed as the successor of Etta Rosales and he was the Director-General of the Liberal Party. So how can that be independent? Getting CHR out of the Liberal Party's grasp and make it into an independent organization  should be done.  The current set-up of the CHR is the problem and not the existence of the organization itself. It should be monitoring all human rights violations regardless who commits them. It should not play partisan politics. At this point, the move for an independent CHR should be done as part of the whole check and balance process and not the use of selective justice . My simple suggestion is that Atty. Gascon should be fired from his post because he's an extremely lazy fellow...

Of Leni Loud Robredo And Mount Mayon

I heard from TV-5 that Leni Loud Robredo says that there should be a permanent solution for the Albay problem. This really has me wanting to question her credibility again. There's NO permanent solutions for natural disasters. You can't stop a volcano from erupting and neither can you stop a typhoon from coming. Really, how stupid can she get? What would she propose? Cementing the crater of the volcano like this photo edit? Is it me or is Leni Loud really just using disasters to try and recover her already shrinking approval ratings with the public? If that's so the more she should be kicked out of the vice presidency. How come the electoral protest hasn't been answered. This should already raise suspicions on her legitimacy. Is she doing her job now or is she just being an attention whore all over again?  Will the Yellowtards use this again to say, "Where is Duterte?" I wonder if Leah Navarro has already started raising her usual stupid comments ...

Is Chito Gascon A Human Rights Violator Disguised As A Human Rights Advocate?

It should be very sickening at how Atty. Chito Gascon doesn't even know how Commission on Human Rights is supposed to work or how human rights organizations should work and do its job. Palace Spokesperson Harry Roque had targetted Atty. Gascon with really hard statements. He mentioned that CHR should investigate all forms of human rights violations - not just those committed by state agents. Here's the biggest problem now. Atty. Gascon's own words condemn him. First, those who did the DengVaxia scandal were state agents . So what's his next reasoning? It's because the act of injecting the faulty vaccines weren't done by soldiers and policemen? Don't tell me that Dr. Janette Garin wasn't a state agent during that time? Not to mention, we shouldn't forget the deworming fiasco that happened in Zamboanga by the same person. Gascon is now trying to defend CRappler when the Dengvaxia is a really serious violation of human rights. CRappler had ...

The Philippines Needs Competent Opposition And NOT #TindigPilipinas

One of the features that startled me when I thought about the parliamentary system is the existence of the Minority Bloc. Yes, under a parliamentary system both the Majority Bloc and Minority Bloc will have to frequently engage each other and challenge each other - it's all about competition! But the problem is right now is that - do we even have a competent opposition right now? The problem is that the opposition in the form of #TindigPilipinas are not competent people. It's composed of people joining forces from different parties . The Liberal Party has joined forces with the likes of Jejomar Binay, Antonio Trillanes IV and Gary Alejano who are not their fellow party members. It's all about a common hate all the while there could be a desperate power struggle within that body. Certain people in this organization are probably scheming to take over one way or another which will put their credibility into further question. So what makes a good opposition? It's all a...

Michael Christian Martinez Will Participate In PyeongChang Olympics This February 9-25, 2018

Yup, you heard it right. Michael Christian Martinez is qualified to join the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea. I could remember writing a post wishing that he would join the Winter Olympics and I got my wish. Yup, it's here. Here's what GMA-7 has to say about the event: Filipino figure skater Michael Martinez will compete in the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea. This came after Martinez took over the slot of Sweden's Alexander Majorov, who was not allowed by the Olympic committee of Sweden to participate. The Filipino skater placed 8th in the Nebelhorn Trophy Competition last September, which made him miss a secured spot in the Olympics. However, he was alternate, thus was able to take over Majorov's spot. Martinez said he could not believe he'll be competing again in the Olympics. He is currently training in California with his coach Vyachelsav Zagorodnuyk (Coach Slava). Martinez will work on cleaning up his routine and nailing down his tech...

It's Not Surprising That Agnes Callamard And Three U.N. "Experts" Defend CRappler

It's no surprise that Agnes Callamard defends CRappler. GMA-7 news said the following concerning Callamard and the three U.N. "experts": GENEVA, Switzerland - U.N. human rights experts called on the Philippines government on Thursday to allow independent news website Rappler to operate, voicing concern at rising rhetoric against voices critical of President Rodrigo Duterte. The country's Securities and Exchange Commission revoked Rappler's license on Jan 11 for ownership violations. Maria Ressa, chief of Rappler, met state investigators on Monday to answer what she called a suspicious complaint about a 2012 story. "We are gravely concerned that the government is moving to revoke Rappler’s licence," three U.N. human rights experts said in a joint statement. "We are especially concerned that this move against Rappler comes at a time of rising rhetoric against independent voices in the country." The statement was issued by Agnes Callamard, U...

Why I Support Imposing Curfew Laws, Anti-Late Night Partying Laws

I may not support President Duterte all the time but I support the anti-curfew law. While there's no need to declare martial law for that but curfew laws and anti-partying at late night laws (in residential areas) should be passed. Here's what I think should be going on. Perhaps one of the many reasons why anti-intellectualism prevails in the Philippines is because of a lack of sleep. I don't only blame late night teleseryes, not only because schools may be giving too much workload but also because of teenagers who are staying late out at night when they should be at home especially during school days.  Whether you like it or not - a lack of sleep destroys your brain functions. The mind is irritable, lacks sound judgment hence making one an idiot, creative juices stop flowing and ADHD can worsen. This should be a good reason to give laws that will give better sleep. Hmmm... should we also pass laws to regulate homework and exams so people don't get become t...

It's Stupid To Criticize Mocha Uson's Award While Supporting Jover Laurio's Award At The Same Time

Personally, I think the University of Sto. Tomas Alumni Association shouldn't have given an award to Mocha Uson. I support President Rodrigo R. Duterte but I think appointing Uson as assistant secretary is one of his biggest mistakes. I can understand if some people have criticized it. I do criticize this decision as well and as much as I like President Duterte but he's not without his mistakes. I even don't like the idea of letting Uson run for Senator due to her obvious lack of competence. But haven't we forgotten something just as stupid if not more stupid than this event?  Yup, let's consider the award given to another idiot named Jover Laurio. Why criticize Uson's award (and personally, some pro-Duterte bloggers are overly biased and thinks Duterte can do no wrong) when both Inquirer and Ateneo De Manila awarded Laurio's overly anti-intellectual work ? For one, I even wish that Stephen Sackur would interview her on BBC HardTalk. While I don...

Which Is More Important: Dengvaxia's Danger VS. CRappler's Crap?

It just gets tiresome to think about how the Liberal Party always has frequently its misplaced priorities. One of these now involve the problem of Dengvaxia vs. Rappler. Let's face it which is more important? CRappler's license at the SEC as a media company or the Dengvaxia case? CRappler a company which is one-sided journalism (while lying that they are "independent") or would it be the Dengvaxia case?  This really reminds me of the whole problem of Jim Paredes and Raissa Espinosa-Robles . Instead of tracing back the Dengvaxia problem to where it began (with their idol, Noynoy Aquino) they decided to that's right - blame it on President Duterte. Just when did the Dengvaxia enter? Noynoy or President Duterte? Hmmm... trying to avoid the blame again aren't they? And where's their move for the whole Dengvaxia fiasco? Why no comment on the severity of the issue? Please, stop giving me the usual excuse that Atty. Chito Gascon loves to make about that CHR ...

Seriously, Give K-Drama Craze A Break And Offer Diversity For Filipino Audiences

While I do like K-Dramas and I still do (and they're part of my alternative route whenever I take a break from Japanese Tokusatsu before returning to it) but shouldn't Philippine TV networks give Koreanovela craze a break? Is it me or are TV networks relying too much on crap-dubbed K-Drama right now (and sorry, I am so NOT watching While You Were Sleeping crap-dubbed) to keep their ratings afloat? So much for "nationalism" then huh? But again, Filipinos watching K-Dramas may even detest how horrible the dub is and may be watching them on Korean channels that offer subs to the viewers.  The problem isn't K-Drama BUT the problem is too much of it. It reminded me of the time last decade where I ate nothing but Japanese food for one month and nothing more than Korean food the following month. The truth is I developed taste fatigue that Chinese food and Filipino food became more welcome after that. A few months later, I started missing Japanese and Korean food...

Noyism: An Idiotology As Absurd And Obsolete As Maoism

Is it me or are Noytards really THAT stupid? I even heard that Noynoy Aquino or should we call him Noy Zedong even dared to say that the Liberal Party will rise again . So what does Noynoy have to say? He even said on the 72nd founding of the Liberal Party that they will rise again even if the are beaten several times. I guess he doesn't even realize that his ideology Noyism is no longer relevant but he still has fanatical followers.  How is Noyism as obsolete as Maoism? We can a parallel between the two baldy men is not just that they're smokers. They are also adhering to idiotic ideologies that have long been obsolete. Noyism insists on keeping economic protectionism rather than open up the economy. The idea of protectionism has shown itself as a failure. Both leaders saw jobs were badly needed but they wanted to keep adhering to their wrong sense of nationalism. What proof is that Noyism is now just as obsolete as Maoism? You can see the Noyist media is no longer a...

CRappler Would Still Have Its Relevance Under President Roxas And Vice President Trillanes

Maria Ressa is sure unfortunate that President Rodrigo R. Duterte is the current president. Would have Mar Roxas and Antonio Trillanes IV won their respective positions - then she would still have her power while pretending to be "independent". So how would these two clowns make CRappler still grow? It doesn't take a political analyst to see that President Roxas and Vice President Trillanes would silence all their critics whenever they could. Since CRappler is most likely to favor them even if the two belong to different parties (Liberal Party and Nacionalista) so they would give it special protection. This would also mean that they would silence everything from Get Real Philippines to CoRRECT Philippines which in turn would give CRappler more room to rant nonsense for them. But too bad for Ressa that these two didn't win. Feeling Vice President Leni Loud Robredo couldn't do much of a thing because of the current president. Are you happy that these two clowns d...

Not Surprising: #BlackFridayForPressFreedom Has Paid Activists Joining It

Is it me or is the proof of using paid rallyists getting more obvious? In this "crowded" rally for "press freedom" - we can see members of Bayan Muna (Nation First) and NNARA-Youth joining Maria Ressa's #BlackFridayForPressFreedom rally - in short paid rallyists . Wait... aren't Bayan Muna and Migrante and the like Communist groups? It seems to be that Bayan Muna or better renamed as Bobo Muna (Stupid First) is a proponent of anarco-Communism. Hmmm if they are shouldn't they hire Amos Yee to help them? We could also see in the same placards taht says "YES TO FREEDOM NO TO CHA CHA!" Here's where I want to tear those stupid placards. CRappler's predicament stems from this issue. They VIOLATED the current 1987 Constitution's protectionist clause that says all mass media in the Philippines must be Filipino-owned. In short, the Dilawans have been giving special exemptions (off-screen) to people and now their own unjust policy boom...

#RIPRappler Is Not The Death Of #DefendPressFreedom But The Beginning Of Its Liberation From #ProudToBeYellow Captivity

Some idiots would still want Filipinos to believe that they must defend CRappler to defend press freedom. That's so absurd considering that for three decades and a few years - the Philippines has always been under the power of the Dilawan Media . Want news? Most of what you get are muddled in selective outrage such as ABiaS-CBN, Philippine Daily Inquirer, Philippine Star and CRappler is no different. This #BlackFridayForPressFreedom, we don't even see it dead. CRappler is still out there and they are allowed to exercise their freedom of speech. Better yet, freedom to be epal.  Get Real Philippines has this to say about the dangers of equating the fight for CRappler's rights to resume is a dangerous idea: Maria Ressa is, in short, solely at fault for the troubles Rappler suffers today. But rather than take accountability for her executive lapse in judgement, Ressa has instead chosen the path of, wasting even more of Filipinos’ time and attention span. As I had writ...

#BlackFridayForPressFreedom Makes No Sense

Yup today is #BlackFridayForPressFreedom and CRappler is now playing the victim yet again. Is the revocation of CRappler's license by the Securities and Exchange Commission an act of dictatorship? I don't think so. The Philippines may be a democracy but it doesn't mean that there should be the rule of impunity. This is the problem right now as Maria Ressa faces the hard reality that she herself is also guilty of violating the rules the 1987 Constitution where all media must be Filipino owned. Hmmm talk about the Dilawan violating even their own rules huh? The notion of press freedom is getting more and more ridiculous for this reason. How can people who support CRappler talk of press freedom when it's nothing more than a monopoly of information ? There may be freedom of press but when it comes to news why be so biased? Why listen to only one side and ignore the rest? Should I mention that the Noynoying years  nearly considered banning Filipinos from bringing in imp...

Don't Wait Until Manila Enters The List Of History's Longest Traffics, Shift To Federalism Now

As the Constitutional Assembly for Federalism begins, it's time to consider the flaws of one of the world's biggest economies namely China. Although Deng Xiaoping should be credited for making China a world power through free trade but he failed to see the benefits of federalism over a unitary form of government. The Philippines can learn from China the principles of economic liberalization and their basic business principles but it should reject the unitary form of government. If the Philippines has Imperial Manila then China has Imperial Beijing. China could have avoided lesser problems with traffic in Beijing if their government shifted to a federal form of government considering it's the largest population in the world. Forbes  mentions that China entered the worst traffic jam in history last August 2010. Here's what it says that should show the big problem of unitary form of government in a big country: Beijing, China: August 2010. Imagine being trapped i...

Would Jover Laurio Survive A BBC HARDTalk Interview With Stephen Sackur?

Here's a picture of Jover Laurio herself alongside Stephen Sackur (and this picture is a modification from this article in Get Real Philippines  where Antonio Trillanes was the original person on the left). After hearing the interview of Laurio on BBC makes it's safe to assume that she's just lucky that she didn't get interviewed by Sackur himself. I mean, who can remember the rather embarrassing encounter as Sackur made lechon manok out of Trillanes ? I think Sackur would have probably made lechon baboy out of Laurio for this reason. From the same article where I got the picture of Sackur before I decided to replace Trillanes with Laurio said about the whole situation: Philippine Senator Antonio Trillanes cemented his infamy after his disastrous interview with Stephen Sackur on his BBC program HARDtalk. He became the laughingstock among Netizens for failing to give rational answers to simple questions. It was very obvious that Sackur did his homework in digging u...

Hilario Davide Is Right That Constitutional Reform Is A Leap To Hell

It's really something how Hilario Davide calls the 1987 Conjobstitution  as the "best constitution" in the world. He's right but that's not the entire truth behind it. It's a leap to Hell for those who adhere to it because this is what's going to happen. But how is it a leap to Hell? You can consider that the Constitutional Reform's three point agenda will eventually be a leap to Hell for some people. So how will these reforms be a leap to Hell? Just read and find out! Economic liberalization will mean the oligarchy goes to Hell. Whether it'd be the Aquinos of Tarlac or the Binays of Makati they grew in power because of economic protectionism. They held power for some time thanks to the power of protectionism . But remove all the unnecessary barriers and give reasonable restrictions and let's see how it'll go. All the companies owned by the oligarchs will have no choice but to share their power and innovate for the better. As said, ...

Maria Ressa Plays The #VictimCard

Is it me or has it become very common for the Dilawans and their non-Dilawan allies at #TindigPilipinas to play the victim? Then vice presidential candidate Antonio Trillanes IV even wants to portray himself as a hero instead of a failed mutineer. Now it's time to talk about Maria Ressa who's now telling people at CNN Philippines that she's ready to face arrest. Hmmm but what if she really ended up in jail if ever investigations will show offenses where fining her isn't enough?  This reminds me of how "brave" Leila De Lima was in claiming, "Go ahead! Arrest me!" Now, she's the noisiest person even behind bars. The same may happen to Ressa herself. She may be claiming she's ready to face arrest, she's now playing the victim card at the international community (so much for nationalism) because Filipinos don't want her anymore. Whether she likes it or not, more and more Filipinos are starting to see the harsh reality that they s...

Filipinos Today Are Better Off With #RIPRappler

Here's a funny meme that I found that would display the the birth and END of CRappler. Yup, it's really Rappler but I love calling it as CRappler. Shouldn't this be good news to awakened Filipinos who are shouting, "Tama na! Sobra na!" or "That's enough! It's too much!" at a daily basis? First, Hero TV died last New Year's Eve and it looks like CRappler will die way before before Chinese New Year's Eve which falls on February 15, 2018.  Here's something from Bloomberg that shows that they know about CRappler's registration. You can see the SEC results have it that they have violated the current foreign ownership rules of mass media entities. If that's so, hmmm are the Dilawans thinking that they are exempt from following that rule while imposing it on others? Hmmm this also shows that they set their rules upon others but not to themselves. The current rule says mass media must be 100% FILIPINO OWNED. So much for ...

#NasaanSiLeni: I Thought Leni Loud Robredo Loves Naga

#NasaanSiLeni or #WhereIsLenishould be tagged all over again. I still can't forget how Leah Navarro had the nerve to say #NasaanAngPangulo or #WhereIsThePresident when he had an important state visit in Russia.  Let's take the time to review this tweet. Get mad all she wants but she's always missing the point and she's a POINT MISSING TROLL whether she realizes it or not. Right now, if there's anything appropriate to talk, it's all about the flood in Naga City in Camarines Sur. Where was Leni Loud? She was attending the marriage of her husband's niece. Shouldn't going to Naga be her priority? It's not like as if she can't ask help from President Duterte. Right now, I hope President Duterte will try to help the residents of Naga in Camarines Sur. So what's next? Leni Loud would turn her hometown into a museum after the flood?  It would be best to tweet, "When the people of Naga in Camarines Sur needed her the most, NASAAN ANG...