Would You Vote For Leni Loud Robredo As President If She Won The Nobel Peace Prize Instead Of Maria Ressa?
It's quite easy to rejoice over Maria Ressa's Nobel Peace Prize, right? Well, I thought that the insult can't be added that much to injury with Ressa - not especially after Stephen Sackur had grilled her on BBC HARDtalk . That's why I say don't even bother recalling Ressa's Nobel Peace Prize because of one thing - the Nobel Foundation is already has a lot of questionable choices in the past. The fact that Ressa was even allowed to travel to Norway to get her award is proof that the real issue is NOT between her and the current administration. Though, I was thinking that Vice President Leni Loud Robredo herself might've been the "better" choice. Just reading through Rigoberto Tiglao's site gave me the idea. If Ressa's award was to "slap" the Duterte Administration - it wouldn't be as strong unlike if Leni Loud won the Nobel Peace Prize instead. It doesn't look like Ressa is ever running for politics. It doesn't even...