It's more than time to face it that Bayad Muna's so-called nationalism is a SHAM . They try to deny being Communists BUT why are they ADORING the late Joma Sison? Joma's not even worthy to join the ranks of great thinkers like Ho Chi Minh (who looks like him), Mao Zedong, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, or Karl Marx. Their "nationalism" is exposed as a fake BY THEIR ACTIONS. We need to look at their actions. Bayad Muna people are showing signs of being SELF-SERVING. No to open FDI but yes to them having Apple gadgets? No to FDI pero yes to ICC ? If Renato Reyes Jr. "hated" foreigners so much -- why did he even go to the ICC? Why would Toady own an iPhone? Why would Colmenares et al be on SOCIAL MEDIA MADE BY "IMPERIALIST" AMERICANS? These actions only show one thing -- these people are UTTERLY SELF-SERVING SCAMMERS! It can get obvious why they write BS every now and then. Listening to Toady's tone makes me think, "He's not stupid...
Making It Fun in the Philippines
Just another blog discussing facts and opinions concerning the Philippines