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The Idiocy Of Filipino Commies Hating Capitalism While Enjoying Its Products

Isn't that funny? Here's a picture of Filipino Communist groups who go against any agenda for economic liberalization, the desire to overthrow capitalism (which is private ownership of businesses), and yet they are found using an Apple laptop which is a product of guess what? Socialism? No, it's a product of CAPITALISM! This reminds me also of the time I got into argument with Peke Aeta of the now empty Fliptards blog that he hates capitalism, hates businessmen yet what in the world is he doing in Google which is a product of capitalism? Is the contradiction surprising? Not if you know that Jose Maria Sison the founder of the New People's Army (NPA) is living in the Netherlands. Netherlands is an OPEN ECONOMY, FEDERAL, PARLIAMENTARY country and it's just like that stupid 4Ps-obsessed, 1987 Constitution loving fool of an old man who is ironically living in Australia. He lives in Australia while hating the idea that the Philippines should go federal-parliamentary and says (at times) that foreign investors are supposedly not that concerned about 60/40.

So how does capitalism work? Capitalism is defined by Investopedia as, "an economic system in which private individuals or businesses own capital goods. The production of goods and services is based on supply and demand in the general market—known as a market economy—rather than through central planning—known as a planned economy or command economy." That is the definition of capitalism. It emphasizes that private ownership itself for businesses and where they provide goods and services based on supply and demand. The only job of the government is to regulate through necessary requirements such as taxes, business permits, and sanitary permits. It's to add rules to keep the playing field safe and not to meddle more than necessary.

I remembered I wrote about the stupidity of hating free trade while enjoying its benefits. Some of them even go as far as to spread the lie that "Well, only foreign investors will get rich and the country will be poor if you allow free trade!" or, "Foreign investors will ultimately make the Philippines lose its sovereignty.". They tell me to study history but if it's true that national self-industrialization is the key to making the first world countries to where they are -- they need to answer to why undeveloped islands that had no foreign investment are still, undeveloped? If they say that foreign investments drive a country poor then why isn't Venezuela rich? Why are many Venezuelans moving out of the country? Why are people moving from North Korea to South Korea? Don't tell me that foreign investors are investing in Venezuela and North Korea rather than Chile and South Korea? These countries have lots of foreign investors and they still maintained their sovereignty.

It's not just innovation that leads to quality products. Innovation becomes almost non-existent and useless when there's no competition at all. If anything forces businesses to innovate then it's one word namely COMPETITION! Competition whether local investors or foreign investors will cause innovation to happen. Why should I innovate if I have no competitors? I would definitely innovate because I have competitors. Why do you think South Korea has its products worldwide? It's because of competition and foreign investment that made South Korean businessmen innovate. Why do you think Taiwan overtook China for a long time? It was because that while Taiwan is a presidential country -- it is friendly to foreign investors. If there's any reason why Switzerland has many high products and services -- it's not because it's protective of its local economy but because it's foreign-investment friendly. Foreign investors, in fact, can help both small and medium enterprises grow. It's the lack of competition and the rule of the oligarchy that will destroy small and medium scale businesses instead.

Without the products of capitalism then I don't think the Filipino communists can ever do what they do. Why are they on the Internet which is a product of capitalism? If they are so nationalistic then why don't they well, GET OUT OF THE INTERNET? The Internet wasn't invented by Filipinos! If they insist that people should watch the B.S. teleseryes of the local networks -- don't tell me that the equipment used by those networks were not imported from abroad? Not only that but some of them are using products made from countries that benefit greatly from capitalism and foreign investors. They are using various imported equipment to stage their nonsense rallies to prevent economic liberalization. However, all their equipment is born from countries that greatly benefited from said practice that they are so strongly against.

The reason why they never succeed in the long run is because they are walking contradictions. Their "nationalism" is all but a sham. By showing off their equipment which was made from capitalism while opposing capitalism -- they have shown they're only after their selfish interests. You can think of how funny it is that they supposedly hate capitalism while enjoying its benefits!


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