Filipino Communists Need A Good Public Caning

It's frustrating how idiots like Renato Reyes Jr. and the like do their rallies and they leave incredibly huge amounts of mess behind. That reminded me that I wrote something where I suggest that those activists should be made to clean their mess. What they're doing by leaving huge amounts of mess after every rally is NOT beneficial to the Philippines. But I don't think cleaning would be enough because some of them may have very thick faces.

If they have very thick faces then they must have very thin skins, right? I'd like to suggest that those idiotic activists who do all their mass vandalism and littering should be caned according to offense. If the are at least 16 years old and above (in good health condition) then let them get caned PUBLICLY. While I do believe in scolding people as privately as possible but there are extreme cases where you must punish people in public. 

No, it doesn't have to be bare buttocks (because it's going to be in public) but they can be tied and bent to similar positions. This would involve trained policemen whacking the buttocks of these offenders in public. If I'm not wrong, Michael Fay got six strokes reduced to four strokes (after a diplomatic appeal) and those lesser offenders can get the same punishment for their massive vandalism.

Oh, if you want to appeal to the Commission on Human Rights then forget it. Atty. Harry Roque a human rights lawyer may just end up saying, "Don't tell me the human rights of those who worked hard to keep the place in order and the owners of those properties weren't violated?" 
