Would Benign0 Rather Be Vindictive Like (Or Even More Vindictive Than) Benigno Instead Of Talking About BADLY NEEDED SYSTEM CHANGE?
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I'm amazed at how the guy's approach really fails to address the SYSTEM itself. What's his best solution for COVID-19? It's all about NOT to be poor. I gave him some comments in the said post but he JUST. DOES. NOT. GET IT. HUH? How can he talk about Filipinos not being poor when there's hardly ANY JOBS for Filipinos in their home country and hardly ANY COMPETITION in the Philippine business landscape? I could compare him to a doctor who would rather address the COVID-19 symptoms rather than address COVID-19 itself. True, symptoms for COVID-19 need to be treated but shouldn't the focus be more on curing the patient of COVID-19 or finding the cure for it? His mind is almost like saying that we should avoid a vaccine for COVID-19 because Filipinos will just waste it. Is he suggesting it's better to fix the symptoms first before administering immunity to COVID-19? I'm really amazed at how the guy approaches the problem by first tackling about the CULTURE over the SYSTEM. Is culture really that static? Nope, check out how culture evolves overtime. Filipinos were once tribal savages and one day the country is no longer a country of tribal savages. Taiwan itself is an example of a culture that's not static.
I do believe Maria Ressa herself is INDEED GUILTY of cyberlibel and that her conviction had NOTHING to do with Wilfredo Keng's daughter Patricia getting a position from the current administration. However, the guy has been too focused on Ressa like Noynoy was too focused on Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Also, back in the second Aquino Administration, the guy just got TOO FOCUSED on how much he hates the Liberal Party or Dilawans rather than talk about economics and system change. Yes, system change. It's because I think the Dilawans themselves have lost their brains because of the system. Consider that Noynoy himself is a graduate of Ateneo De Manila University, Bam Aquino was once a head leading entrepreneur, and Mar Roxas was once a promising banker. Did he not see that the downfall of Noynoy, Bum, and Mar is a result of a LOUSY SYSTEM? Does he think that putting the Dilawan and their allies to jail will improve the economy and the Philippines? Talk about dealing with the symptoms rather than tackling the ROOT CAUSE of the symptoms. Not to mention, he automatically assumed that all people who are tagging #JunkTerrorBill are terrorists. Some people just tagged it because of a certain provision that needs to be changed hence resulting in the new trend of #ReviseTerrorBill. I bet blame Noynoy like Noynoy blames Gloria? That's a LOSER'S WAY OUT!
Also, his yellow tagging is something worth noting. He tagged the late Carlos Celdran who was FOR SYSTEM CHANGE as a Dilawan. Is Benign0 THAT addicted to personality-based politics while he lives in parliamentary Australia? Dilawan? Celdran himself was anti-Duterte and I don't deny it. However, I'd rather support an anti-Duterte who is for SYSTEM CHANGE than a Dutertard who's not for it. If a Noytard himself would actually fight for system change then I'm willing to support that Noytard. Celdran was for constitutional reform. Is a person automatically Dilawan because he or she doesn't like Duterte? If a person stops being DDS then has the person become a Dilawan? It's pretty much like the Marcos vs. Aquino dichotomy. Is it really impossible to convict BOTH Ferdinand E. Marcos Sr. and Ninoy Aquino as thugs? Marcos was a dictator and Ninoy was just an ambitious twat. I guess Bening0 just doesn't want to see that huh?
Will locking up all the Dilawans or exiling them to Spratlys EVER make the Philippines a better country? Truth is all the Dilawans can die tomorrow, the Liberal Party of the Philippines can be wiped off the face of the Earth but a lousy system will only bring in newer problems in newer forms which would be even MUCH WORSE. Ressa got convicted for what she did but the debt from COVID-19 is STILL PILING UP. Ressa's arrest and conviction won't pay a single cent for that debt. I wonder what would Benign0 even propose to pay up that HUGE debt accumulated during the crisis? National self-industrialization? Dream on because history has proven it doesn't work. Mao Zedong's desire for it only ruined China. Deng Xiaoping gave China the power it has to bully other countries today through capitalism. He could've talked about economic liberalization which will provide revenues to pay off the debt. His solution "not to be poor" fails to address the root cause of poverty. Filipinos are lazy because of a lack of jobs and competition. Rather, the entrance of FDIs into the Philippines will provide jobs and taxes. FDIs even at 100% ownership (that is operating without a Filipino business partner) under the Philippine law are required to pay taxes just as tenants are required to pay rent. FDIs must declare their income and registration if they want to legally do business. Filipino citizens ultimately get the jobs from the FDI in their OWN HOMELAND and the FDIs are submitted to Filipino laws. FDIs will also end up benefiting local businesses when they want to reduce their need to import raw materials from their home countries. Again, has Benign0 thought of that would have changed the economic SYSTEM of the Philippines?
Bening0 and his wife Ilda already moved to Australia years ago. He has lived there for some time. However, they would still not want to put a similar system that made Australia a great country into the Philippines. Did they think Australia automatically had its culture that way? Benign0's desire to change the culture first over the system first is stupid. The system determines the culture - not the other way around. Why do you think tribal people behave as tribes? It's because of the SYSTEM that dictates that they will live like tribes. What caused Filipinos to have a new change in life? Again, it was the SYSTEM such as when the Spanish colonization and American colonization brought the Philippines to a new system. The Spanish colonization did bring the Philippines out of the tribal system and into the monarchy system. Then the American colonization brought the Philippines out of the monarchy system. I wonder if Benign0 will ever get it?
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