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Teachers Who Let Their Students Attend Rallies Should Be Terminated And Blacklisted

I remembered I wrote about Risa "Fujiko" Hontivirus-Baraquel as a confidence trickster. It's really a shame how she would influence a 13-year old student to join the #YouthResist. I also remembered writing about how students should be considered as candidates for expulsion for joining activist groups. Now, it's time to consider another problem namely the teachers because there might be teachers too who condone to such stupidity.

Senator Bato Dela Rosa has his desire for such teachers to get expelled for encouraging such stupidity. Here's something that really makes more sense than all the highly educated idiots (some of them are even Cum Laude which proves grades aren't everything) have to say according to the Inquirer which I pretty much agree:

“They should be removed. Parents enter their students there to become professionals, not to fight the government,” Dela Rosa, speaking in Filipino told reporters in an interview when asked about the matter.

“Why don’t they just conduct their classes? Instead of conducting classes inside the classroom, they encourage the youth, the students that they would no longer have classes and instead go to a rally. That’s where we will check your attendance. That’s very wrong.” he added.

Senator Dela Rosa's mandate should be carried out as soon as possible. He may not really be intelligent (though he has a doctorate degree), he may be wrong about some stuff but he's not wrong here. Parents are supposed to let their children go to school to become professionals. Rallies will do nothing but teach students to defy authority. All the while, said teachers will hypocritically cry foul when they end up getting disrespected. Unfortunately, many people with a college degree are even acting unprofessionally while claiming to be professionals.

I can understand if classes have their out-of-classroom activities but attending rallies shouldn't be in that one. I know there's that mandatory field trip for some classes (ex. history classes going to various historical sites). However, to require students to attend rallies is another issue. We can understand if your history teacher flunks you for not attending the field trip to important historical sites but rallies are another issue. Rallies contribute NOTHING to the student's education in contrast to a mandatory trip to a science museum or a history museum.

It doesn't matter whether the teachers required the students to attend the rally or consented to it. Either way, such teachers are irresponsible. Joining these activist rallies puts the students' life in more danger than the mandatory trip to a historical site or science museum. At least, the trip to the historical site or science museum is in well-secured places and it's not easy to get lost in that crowd. However, joining a rally may mean facing plenty of danger such as mixing with hooligans and maybe even teach the students to defy authority. Is that the way that the education system should go? Teachers who let their students attend rallies are endangering the lives of the latter. That alone should be a good reason why they should be terminated from their jobs in the first place.
