Soylent Yellow: A Tale Of The Oligarchy, Overpopulation And A People Who Don't Follow Simple Guidelines

I usually don't care too much about old school films but when I do -- it's because they have a meaningful punch in them. I remembered how I was a confused, angry teenager and one of my science teachers talked about the film called "Soylent Green" starring Charleton Heston and Lee Taylor-Young. It may be old school but it really provokes the mind. Just when I thought I forgot about it but sometimes meeting said science teacher back from 20 years ago still provokes the mind. I remembered how she talked about the plot of the film involved an overpopulated and polluted dystopia that was a result of people's actions. 

But can you imagine the events of the film called Soylent Green happening in the Philippines? There's been the long trend of being proud of one's mistakes and associating them with what makes one a "real Filipino" -- practices such as irresponsible breeding when you can't even feed all your children and a poor regard of the environment. Just an incident this year at the Manila Bay involving garbage is already warning enough that many Filipinos for so long have a poor regard for the environment. Worse, you may even have them saying that but it also happens in China (which I don't want to deny) and they continue doing their practices. Worse, the oligarchy would continue to monopolize resources and overuse them all thanks to economic protectionism

So how would I imagine this story called Soylent Yellow. Calling it Soylent Yellow is because the film was once called Soylent Green. However, yellow has been a color frequently associated with the Liberal Party though the color itself isn't negative for all its uses. In this setting, the dysfunctional 1987 Constitution further continued protectionist policies, too much restricts on imports, wasteful business practices and the Filipino just don't care about it. Many Filipinos just kept throwing their garbage just anywhere. Just looking at the Pasig River, Boracay and many more places shows just how there's a poor regard for the environment. Now in this setting -- the Philippines is no longer the paradise it once bragged itself to be as the oligarchy and the Filipino people have ruined it with their wasteful practices.

So what's in this film's plot? I guess the Philippines' president should be Mar Roxas and its vice president should be Antonio Trillanes IV. The movie has Philippines overpopulated and heavily polluted. Having no firecracker ban and proper waste disposal methods polluted the air and all bodies of water. Having no responsible breeding or breeding like rabbits caused the 7,107 islands of the Philippines to be overpopulated. Worse, Joey Lina's squatter law contributed to the problem that led to the events of the film. Squatters have outgrown their areas that they end up moving to squat more in the cities. Plus, their wasteful habits are always defended by the likes of Chito Gascon resulting to the further degradation of the Philippines. Both President Roxas and Vice President Trillanes drove the Philippines into becoming a dystopia after they won the 2016 Philippine national elections.

The movie has the Philippines is overusing its resources for this reason. After they kept blaming free trade for the problems of the world -- unfortunately not importing resources when local resources are out of season meant overuse. The restrictive tariffs for imported goods and services have become so high that more trees were cut even when they weren't in season. Beaches have become so overused because of many Filipinos who keep going to them even when it was time to let them rest. The result was that not only Boracay but every other beach ended up getting destroyed. Even without tourists -- the Philippine beaches deteriorated from overuse and people who don't care about the environment. This results to the situation of Soylent Yellow.

One can have a scene in Imperial Manila where both President Roxas and Vice President Trillanes give out a new substance called "Soylent Yellow". Some propose about opening up the economy but others will lie that free trade drove North Korea poor and protectionism drove South Korea rich. This is a new mysterious food that's yellow in color. The population problem is so bad that getting even one pack of Soylent Yellow is worse than going to the market. Also, the very lies of the Yellowtards kept saying are now coming true. A kilo if chili is now PHP 1,000.00 and it increased to PHP 10,000.00 the next day. This is a dystopian Philippines. Others want to kill Lina but he's a protected asset by both the president and vice president. 

The problem of the world now has it where Filipinos want to live the "good old days" never mind most of them destroyed it. The oligarchy are now having a problem that there's too many squatters to control. In this movie, President Roxas and Vice President Trillanes have David Guerrero assist the "It's More Fun in the Philippines" Euthanasia Center. Ever heard of the problem that majority of Filipinos tend to have the problem of living in Lala Land for quite some time -- which in turn infuriates Filipinos who are realists? Well this campaign that says "Euthanasia - It's More Fun in the Philippines" is exactly it. Maybe ABiaS-CBN ends up getting converted into this euthanasia clinic where people can drink some kind of painless solution that will slowly make the person go to sleep. They are allowed to watch their favorite teleseryes or various scenery of the "It's More Fun in the Philippines" campaign before they slowly die a delightful death. 

What's the dark secret about Soylent Yellow? It's the same dark secret about Soylent Green. People who have died from the euthanasia program or some other means are collected. It turns out that the bodies are dissolved and they are produced into yellow crackers for people to eat. Plot twist is that maybe, just maybe both President Roxas and Vice President Trillanes are secretly importing food for their minions while they make Filipinos literally eat their fellow Filipinos through Soylent Yellow. It will end up with a scene where someone breaks the word that "Soylent Yellow is People" while the government controlled media will continue to deny the horrible truth. 
