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Philippine Infrastructures Badly Need To Be Upgraded ASAP

It's more than time to upgrade the Philippines isn't it? Build Build Build will cost money which is why it's more than time to liberate the Philippine economy from oligarch control to free trade -- it's time to consider that while you must have savings but you must also spend in order to earn. This isn't spending for the sake of spending one's money but spending one's money in order to achieve greater gains -- such as spending your money on healthy food to get healthy or buying quality machinery to make sure your business will have less maintenance expenses.

Why should we consider building various infrastructures in their most feasible locations? It's because it's part of creating effective transportation systems that will help businesses (both local and foreign) and tourism. This will also help in the agricultural sector (as long as there's no reckless destruction of farm lands and forests involved) in creating transport systems that can assist those involved in the agricultural sector in transporting their perishable goods, equipment and supplies from one location to another at a more efficient rate -- which in turn can allow better turnover rate. You can also think how people in charge of maintenance during rest periods can easily help out in clean-ups more efficiently and on time thanks to better transportation systems.

This would require very careful planning in the project's implementation. I could propose that these could be the measures as Build Build Build is implemented:
  • How much money will be allocated for each project? This will consider the cost of materials and labor per head. 
  • Will the project be of great risk to natural resources and how can it be implemented without destroying forests (which means cutting down as few trees as possible when it happens), polluting waters and creating much waste?
  • When would be the best time to start building and should there be rest periods as to allow the areas to rest and recuperate from the projects? 
  • How will maintenance and upgrades be done in the future to keep it up and running?

This means while I'm favor of Build Build Build but this project must be carefully implemented with careful measures. I hope that engineers and businessmen behind it and involved in it will not forget to think about long-term feasibility through conservative and ethical development rather than the oligarchy's in for a quick cash and building for the sake of building. 
