When Will The Yellowtards See That The Liberal Party Can't Be A REAL OPPOSITION Under The 1987 Constipation?
If Pinoy Pride has led the Philippines to become the Failippines and Filipinos to become Failipinos -- PNoy Pride is more similar than different! PNoy Pride is a massive failure of the mind. It continues to use Noytardism as the foundation as to why the "sacred" 1987 Constipation shouldn't even be amended. Now, the Dilawans pride themselves as the "opposition". Unfortunately, the Dilawans continue using theatrics instead of seeing the bigger problem -- the 1987 Constipation DOESN'T really see them as a real Opposition! The 1987 Constipation of the Philippines is a PRESIDENTIAL SYSTEM. It means the winner takes all scenario. Take the results of the race for example. Bobong Marcos defeated Atty. Leni Loud Robredo in the elections. Until now, the Dilawans can't even prove allegations of cheating just as Bobong may have had zero evidence of Leni Loud cheating him. Fortunately, both Bobong and Leni Loud shook hands . I wonder if the Yellowtards are ready to ...