How Often Are You Willing To Let Your Mind Numb With These Badly Done Tagalog Dubs?

I remembered I didn't mind too much about Tagalog dubs. I even wanted Super Sentai to get aired again with Tagalog dubs. It's also thanks to Tagalog dubs that I use "Akizuki" as part of my pen name. But this time -- I just thought that the dubs are really THAT BAD that it's cringeworthy. I soon started watching Tokusatsu fan subs and later Netflix has shows with decent English subtitles for shows that aren't in English. I admit, most of my favorite shows these days aren't in English. Then I can watch new American movies in the original English too!

It's truly cringe-worthy when you know the problems of these stupid dubs. You have the obvious romanticization (adding so many unnecessary words), not really paying attention to the plot points, and not to dubbers either overact or read their lines like zombies. It really was so bad when I was trying to watch even ONE episode of While You Were Sleeping after I watched said series online with decent subtitles. It really made me cringe at how lifeless the dubbers really are! Are they just reading their lines or what? Granted, it's shown every night so I guess they don't even have time to rehearse.

One episode was already bad enough. Thought those dubbers improved overtime? Tough luck because they hardly do improve at all. The lifelessness gets even more lifeless. Scenes that require strong emotions don't even get half of it. It's like a robot crying but it's not even funny. That's why I don't even bother to watch anything foreign on Filipino TV already due to the bad dubs!
