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Showing posts from February, 2025

Strange Irony: CPP-NPA Hates Capitalism, "American Imperialism" While Using Capitalist, AMERICAN-MADE Means To Recruit Minors

It's an incredible irony that the CPP-NPA members HATE capitalism but love its products . Their usual excuse is that because the product is made by the wokers -- not by the businessmen! Like WUT? Do they realize that the businessmen make the hardest decisions? If a businessman fails to make good decisions then HE IS THE MOST LIABLE -- NOT THE WORKERS! Simple accounting shows that salaries are GIVEN TO THE WORKERS! Unfortunately, those CPP-NPA simps either refuse to get it or they know they're lying.  Ibagsak and America?! It should be funny that their war against "American imperialism" is fueled by... AMERICAN PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? Facebook is an AMERICAN platform. Twitter is an AMERICAN platform. They could get mad at Elon Musk for wanting to invest in the Philippines while using Musk's PLATFORM. What's even funnier is that SOME CPP-NPA members are found using a MacBook by Apple? They say it's because the workers made it with their hands -- not those in ...

Systems DO Shape Behavior: Looking At Liza Soberano's Adventures In South Korea

It can be easy to condemn South Korean entertainment due to some crazy stuff that happened. It's not like as if the Filipino entertainment atmosphere is SO PURE EITHER! I watched this video of Liza Soberano in South Korea. Some say she resembles half-white, half-Korean actress Nancy McDonnie. I see the resemblance BUT I think she looks closer to Japanese actress Meisa Kuroki -- an actress I said, "Risa Hontivirus ikaw ba yan?"  It's easy to blame the actress over poor performance in teleseryes. However, there are times when OA is basically SCRIPTED OA. I had issues with the way Liza talked during her interview for Trese . Was Liza encouraged to talk in such a way? I found it irritating to the point I actually SKIPPED IT. However, I watched Liza's VLog Liza in Korea and found a much different Liza. It's like, "Risa esta Liza ikaw ba yan?"  It's nice to know that Liza's gone beyond those Legacy Virus Days . It was easy to bash ABiaS-CBN actors ...

Never Again To Bayad Muna In ANY POSITION, EVER!

  It's more than time to face it that Bayad Muna's so-called nationalism is a SHAM . They try to deny being Communists BUT why are they ADORING the late Joma Sison? Joma's not even worthy to join the ranks of great thinkers like Ho Chi Minh (who looks like him), Mao Zedong, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, or Karl Marx. Their "nationalism" is exposed as a fake BY THEIR ACTIONS.  We need to look at their actions. Bayad Muna people are showing signs of being SELF-SERVING. No to open FDI but yes to them having Apple gadgets? No to FDI pero yes to ICC ? If Renato Reyes Jr. "hated" foreigners so much -- why did he even go to the ICC? Why would Toady own an iPhone? Why would Colmenares et al be on SOCIAL MEDIA MADE BY "IMPERIALIST" AMERICANS? These actions only show one thing -- these people are UTTERLY SELF-SERVING SCAMMERS! It can get obvious why they write BS every now and then. Listening to Toady's tone makes me think, "He's not stupid...

Toady Casino's RED-TAGGED HIMSELF By Saying That The CPP-NPA Isn't A Terrorist Organization

Above is a screenshot from SunStar Cebu. Yes, we have Atty. Toady Casino who shows that he's one thing -- A SCAMMER! Why would Toady go against economic reforms to allow more FDIs to invest -- all the while wanting the International CLOWN Court to intervene? I thought Toady and his kind hated foreigners. Now, Toady is telling the people that the CPP-NPA (misspelled above as CCP-NPA) as enemies? This is showing something. People like Toady and Atty. Neri Colmenares are actually POWER HUNGRY and SELF-SERVING ! If there's one thing worth observing -- one may be able to tell that Toady KNOWS HE'S LYING. A scammer knows that he or she is LYING. A scammer knows that the product or service they sell is ALL A LIE. A scammer promotes it anyway in hopes of easy money. A drug dealer knows that his or her products are hameful. A drug dealer sells it anyway in hopes of easy money. The same can be said about Toady. Toady's confidence is similar to that of a con man or CONFIDENCE MAN....