Strange Irony: CPP-NPA Hates Capitalism, "American Imperialism" While Using Capitalist, AMERICAN-MADE Means To Recruit Minors
It's an incredible irony that the CPP-NPA members HATE capitalism but love its products . Their usual excuse is that because the product is made by the wokers -- not by the businessmen! Like WUT? Do they realize that the businessmen make the hardest decisions? If a businessman fails to make good decisions then HE IS THE MOST LIABLE -- NOT THE WORKERS! Simple accounting shows that salaries are GIVEN TO THE WORKERS! Unfortunately, those CPP-NPA simps either refuse to get it or they know they're lying. Ibagsak and America?! It should be funny that their war against "American imperialism" is fueled by... AMERICAN PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? Facebook is an AMERICAN platform. Twitter is an AMERICAN platform. They could get mad at Elon Musk for wanting to invest in the Philippines while using Musk's PLATFORM. What's even funnier is that SOME CPP-NPA members are found using a MacBook by Apple? They say it's because the workers made it with their hands -- not those in ...