It can be very easy for people to say I'm just jealous of Maria Ressa's awards. One can say that I'm jealous of Ressa's Nobel Fish Fries . What can't be denied is that Stephen Sackur didn't want to believe everything Ressa said. Before the Nobel Fish Fries and the Sackur Punch Award - she had her Golden Pen of Freedom award in 2018 . We have Ressa's desperate appeal to the clueless Western media . The big question is, "Did any of those awards generate jobs for Filipinos?" I checked the #FactsFirstPH initiative which was last 2022 . However, the many members of #FactsFirstPH are really questionable like Bulatlat, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBPC), Tarantadong Kalbo, and the IBON (IPOT) Foundation. Like wut? They had invited Human Rights Watch to help, and should I mention ABiaS-CBN among the people Rappler is joining forces with. One can always shout, "Hooray! Maria Ressa won an award!" However, none of the award...
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