Filipinos are just like every other race or nationality -- they have the choice to evolve or not to evolve into better persons. Now, I just heard that the next Miss Philippines for 2019 is half-Palestinian and two previous Miss Philippines I've known were half-white. Prepare the blasting comments about why no "Pure-pino" (a slang for pure Filipino) woman was sent to the Miss Philippines, anyone? Then we have an obsession with Pinoy racial purity as if there are still Pure-pinos. Filipinos should be considered more of nationality than a race. Maybe, brown-skinned Filipinos should simply be labeled as brown Filipinos, right? It's with all that in mind that I decided to write about how Penoy Prayd (notice I love to misspell it on purpose) is not compatible with any economic development for the Philippines.
The idea of maintaining Filipino racial purity in the Philippines can be very devastating to the economy. Let's take a look at the local investors of the Philippines. How much percent of Filipino-registered businesses are owned by those who are considered Pure-pino owned (as if they can prove that they have no foreign ancestry whatsoever)? Many of these businesses are owned by Filipino-Chinese and Filipino-Spanish businessmen. Can you imagine what if they decided to launch a holocaust against these "impurities" happened? It would mean a serious slash of revenues (in the form of taxes) and employment. Do you remember the economic devastation Adolf Hitler did in trying to clear out Jews who were citizens of Germany? Germany crashed as a result because many of the businesses were the country's revenue was owned by Jews. Getting rid of businesses in the Philippines owned by Filipinos who aren't "Pure-pinos" would do the same.
The OFWs are considered the "bagong bayani" (new heroes). I even remembered that really stupid song called "Kahit Konting Awa" (Just a Little Mercy) tried to further sensationalize the idea that the OFWs are always the new heroes when they aren't. True, there are some OFWs who are truly indeed the new heroes while others aren't. Some of them are just Okay Fine Whatever who are heroes only towards friends and relathieves (relatives who are thieves) who they breed as leeches. Worse, some of them have even subscribed to the notion of the OFW program as a "form of conquest" which is but questionable at best. If it were true then why was Edz Ello kicked out of Singapore and why haven't countries that accept OFWs become new Filipino territory? Worse, people who love the OFW program out of Penoy Prayd are becoming unwilling suckers of the oligarchs who exploit their stupidity.
The idea of Filipino protectionism is because Penoy Prayd is also there. Believing that it's only the FDIs who get rich and that FDIs are invaders is nothing more than fear-mongering. Worse, they believe in the pseudo-nationalists who spread those lies. If the idea of national self-industrialization was real then why are islands that NEVER had foreign investment still undeveloped? The notion of mercantilism or a self-sufficient economy has been proven wrong by Adam Smith. Yet, you've got some idiots who still teach that free trade doesn't work and that first world countries developed by self-industrialization. If that were true then why are North Korea and Venezuela still poor? If they say free trade destroyed both countries then why not pay a visit and see if it's "invaded" by foreign investors? Instead, they will see the country's protectionist policies laid both countries to ruin and it was South Korean's open economy that made it prosperous. If anything is causing joblessness in South Korea's blue collar jobs -- it's the protectionism done towards the blue collar sectors and not free trade which made it prosperous.
What Filipinos need to really humble themselves and throw away "Penoy Prayd". If they start to get rid of it then they will see the need to humble themselves in order to get employed. Arrogant people don't get accepted full-time and they won't last long if they do. Accepting foreign investors to be part of the Filipino business environment would mean more revenues and employment for Filipinos. Yet, some people are just too arrogant to see the need to humble themselves for a better future, right?
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