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The Only Way The Yellow Opposition Could LEGALLY Hold Duterte Accountable Is The PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM

Tomorrow is SONA day (and President Rodrigo R. Duterte's FINAL SONA), right? It's good news for those who are working out there and are still required to wear facemasks and faceshields due to the COVID-19 epidemic. Meanwhile, I was thinking about how the Yellow Opposition still hasn't held Duterte accountable since 2016, and now it's 2021. The final days of the Duterte Regime are coming and the Yellows are still hoping to spring back. However, the real problem with the Yellows is that they want to spring back but the fact that they'd rather focus on theatrics than real solutions to spring back to action. Then again the problem of the Yellows is SYSTEMIC in nature - the presidential system is what encourages the Yellows to repeat the same old stupidity. Now, just imagine what if we had a parliamentary system and we had a PDP-Laban-led government and a Liberal Party or Yellow-led opposition.

Let's imagine it if we had Prime Minister Rodrigo R. Duterte facing off against Opposition Leader Manuel "Mar" A. Roxas. Just imagine it if tomorrow - we had the Duterte-led government facing off against the Roxas-led opposition. The government is required to answer to the opposition. The opposition is required to keep the government on its toes by questioning it, holding it accountable, AND providing alternatives to do the problem better. Roxas as the Opposition Leader has his own set of cabinet members. For example, if Alan Peter S. Cayetano is the Deputy Prime Minister then Leni Loud G. Robredo is the Deputy Opposition Leader. Duterte's cabinet must face off against Roxas' cabinet in discussing national issues such as economic recovery plans and COVID-19 response actions. Roxas would have his beloved #OtsoDiretso members too in his cabinet if he wishes. 

The problem with the Yellows right now is that they want to compete for attention from the government but they don't have that LEGAL FLOOR. They opposed the parliamentary system which could've given them the legality of competing with the government for attention from the Filipino people. I could remember Roxas said something about sampalan and suntokan. In a parliamentary, they will have their chance to duke it out at each other. The Speaker of the House moderates these debates. PDP-Laban will be facing off against the Liberal Party LEGALLY. Both of them are given the chance to prove which side is better. The Liberal Party would've gotten its chance to prove themselves worthy of the government seats but ONLY in Parliament. The Liberal Party would've got the chance to point out Duterte's mistakes which in turn may give them a better chance to spring back. I don't care if the Liberal Party leads again - just make sure it's the parliamentary system.

Once again, the Liberal Party's incredibly massive failure of the mind is at work again. If we went parliamentary then they would've had the ground to hold the government accountable IF they were in the minority. Also, the late Noynoy Aquino could've created much better projects if he were prime minister instead of president. If Noynoy were a legislator in parliament for nine years then I think he would've known better not to say" EH DI WOW!" or "Hindi ko alam!" during the weekly question hour. It would because Noynoy for nine years as a Member of the Parliament would be shaped and molded by the weekly question hour. Noynoy would be scrutinized and be scrutinized for those nine years. This is really sad how the Liberal Party has fallen so low!
