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Would You Rather Have Slow, Expensive Internet Ran By Filipinos Than Fast, Affordable Internet Ran By Foreigners?

It's really a KNOWN fact that the Philippines indeed has VERY SLOW Internet. But do you know what's the bigger reason? It's irritating when you ask some Filipinos if they want faster Internet then they will answer yes. However, you ask them if you want foreigners to do business for better Internet - just expect them to give all their faulty reasoning. If there's one good reason why the Philippine Internet is THAT SLOW - consider that 7,107 islands vs. two telcos. There's only the duopoly of PLDT and Globe. It's also expensive because the demand for Internet services is MUCH HIGHER than the supply for Internet services. 

The recent third telco from China is called DITO. Sure, I'm getting wary of China due to events such as the bullying of the Philippines and other neighboring countries. Also, I think the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is also to blame aside from the World Health Organization (WHO) as to why COVID-19 or the Legacy Virus ended up becoming worldwide, unlike the rise of SARS back in the 2000s. However, if a Chinese company just decides to do business then why not? If DITO can provide better speed then why not? After all, a lot of things today have to be done ONLINE including banking and the like because of the recent COVID-19 crisis. Having DITO might end up forcing PLDT and Globe to start reducing price (though it won't be significant since competition is not yet that intense) and provide better service. 

I was thinking about the reactions of Carlos Conde and Ogie Rosa. For one, I don't mind if they're anti-Duterte. The problem is right now where they show the selective outrage of people who point out ABiaS-CBN and Rappler having foreign ownership yet getting excited for DITO. This is where things are getting rather funny. Aren't the Yellowtards (if Conde and Rosa indeed are) well, against the uplifting of 60-40 which was just a repetition of the crony capitalism of Ferdinand E. Marcos Sr.? Sure demonize Marcos all you want (because the Marcos Years weren't the golden years) but stop using at as an excuse for the Philippines not to prosper. Just imagine if the Japanese continued to blame the Nagasaki Bombing than decide to work together to get up from its ashes. Filipinos could've focused on restarting the economy Marcos destroyed than obsessing over the Marcos loot. For one, "the best Constitution in the world" actually ended up as the reason why ABiaS-CBN and Rappler got into trouble. Only if those two networks advocated for free markets then they wouldn't be in the trouble they're in right now. Worse, ABiaS-CBN is guaranteed to have its problems as it migrates to the digital world. How can people enjoy their Internet services IF Internet is SO FREAKING SLOW? How can they continue to give updates and replays if most people can't even afford better Internet? 

I'd like to say that there's a difference between colonial mentality and loving foreign stuff. A person guilty of colonial mentality thinks everything foreign is good even when something foreign is bad. Loving foreign stuff is when you like something foreign for its good quality than because it's foreign. It's just like you can run a Filipino food restaurant with a lot of quality imported brands (though some of them may be manufactured in the Philippines) making the best of local and imported. I can go ahead and enjoy some Goya dark chocolates today and some Hershey's Cookies and Cream tomorrow. I enjoy both Goya and Hershey's because they are of good quality. The same can apply to anything. Just because Filipinos will get imported Internet doesn't mean they're not nationalistic. I mean, where can I get a Filipino brand smartphone or have everything Filipino brand? Even those idiotic "nationalist" groups are using IMPORTED STUFF to promote their half-brained idiotologies. Even funnier, those who hate capitalism LOVE its products

The irony once again resurfaces to a whole new level with Filipino communists. It's funny how Filipino communists love communism but they hate China. They wear a t-shirt with Mao Zedong's face but they hate China. I mean, isn't Mao's corpse enshrined at the Tiananmen Square? I was really expecting members of organizations like Anak Bayad, Anak Patis, Migraine International, Bayad Muna, and Kabataan Partylist to get excited for DITO. Instead, you may find them protesting. I mean, if the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) wants to be legalized then why not let the Philippines become a province of China? They should embrace the DITO Internet service provider since it has a Chinese partner. I mean, if they want the CPP to be legalized as well as all commie organizations then why not make the Philippines a province of China? Certainly, the CPP will be granted legalization by the CCP. After all, China is a communist country. Also, with DITO having a Chinese partner means that they can be a little more "consistent" when they start using DITO to finance their half-brained propagandas.

Besides, opening up the economy by removing 60-40 or even the whole negative list entirely can make a HUGE DIFFERENCE. Opening up the economy will just give Filipinos more than DITO. Personally, I'd want to try having an Internet service provider from either Japan, Taiwan, or South Korea for a start. More service providers mean higher supply to meet higher demand. When supply is up then prices go down because demand will eventually go down. No, foreign investors aren't only from China or the USA as people like Livin' La Vina Loca may think. Foreign investors can come from ANYWHERE whether in Asia or in the world. Removing 60-40 wouldn't only force local telcos to do better but they've got better chances to upgrade their services. After all, they can get better materials and technicians to help them upgrade their services to be on par with foreign telcos. It's all about competition in a business that gives a better supply to fill the demand with variety to choose from and the desire to innovate to be better. If you want better Internet then let foreign telcos invest here and maybe the local Internet you're stuck with will now force to do better. 


  1. Not going to have meaningful foreign investment in RP without repealing the 60/40 ownership rules.


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