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Are ABiaS-CBN Diehard Supporters That Desperate To GET CREMATED QUICKLY?

I love to mention that it's the Pasaway Double Standard. What's the use of getting mad at Debold Sinas' birthday party in his OWN HOUSE while they condone the mass gatherings of ABiaS-CBN? One even has to wonder why there are FILIPINO COMMUNISTS gathering in the rally for ABiaS-CBN? Isn't it really strange? Yet you still have people who want to consider ABiaS-CBN has the paragon of virtue, press freedom, and the like. So tell me, is it press freedom to hate people who don't like ABiaS-CBN? When it comes to NEWS, you should take BOTH SIDES of the story. Today, a new noise brigade is going to take place this afternoon after their failed noise brigade. You want to ask the question if those ABiaS-CBN supporters are willing to GET CREMATED QUICKLY just for their favorite network?

What's the big issue? The Philippines is NOT WINNING the fight against COVID-19 or the Legacy Virus as some would want to think. Blame the Philippine government entirely? While any government inaction needs to be taken care of but pasaways do also share the blame. Why don't they take a look at the USA where there are RISING CASES thanks to the pasaway population? They complain about the rising cases but what are they REALLY DOING right now? First, the Friday rally last week and next we're having another noise barrage today? I don't care if they are wearing facemasks or face shields as those are NOT 100% guarantee that they won't be infected. Also, they are compromising their bodies when they are attending that rally considering the weather has not been good either. Remember that stupid Mananita Rally at UP Diliman red by Renato "Babalu" Reyes Jr.?

Truth is ABiaS-CBN contributed its culture of dysfunction to Filipinos for decades. Not to mention wasn't it ABiaS-CBN that spearheaded moves against constitutional reform with fearmongerning tactics? However, it turned out that it violated the constitution it swore to defend. Not to mention why prioritize ABiaS-CBN renewal over beating COVID-19? Also, why prioritize hearings for ABiaS-CBN franchise when ECONOMIC REFORMS are more important? Besides, which is more important between 11 million este 11,000+ employees (if ever) or the jobs of millions of Filipinos? Would've ABiaS-CBN supported constitutional reform years ago then they wouldn't be in this pickle of not having a government franchise.

Besides, is ABiaS-CBN truly shut down? The cable channels and their Internet sites are STILL AVAILABLE. Just click on the video above and ABiaS-CBN is NOT SHUT DOWN. You can find that the big issue is the franchise for airwaves. Want to watch stupid teleseryes or dumb dubs? You still have The Kapalmilyucks Channel. Want to watch "life-saving" news from ABiaS-CBN? There's still ANC. The ABiaS-CBN diehard supporters are just risking their necks. Oh well, we might as well call the crematoriums to prepare extra spaces should the pass away from the Legacy Virus!
