Why A Weekly Debate Between Bongbong Marcos And Leni Loud Robredo Would Be Better Than Another Electoral Protest
The Philippines already has had its first time in MANY YEARS where the president and vice president came from the SAME PARTY. Both Bobong Marcos and Sara Duterte-Carpio are from Uniteam. Right now, I think the Kakampinks are still too focused on insane schemes and the rejection of the parliamentary system. Would have the Philippines been parliamentary then the fight would be far from over. However, some Kakampinks are still stuck with the same mentality about the "Marcos Parliament" which has been long disproven by two dead men namely Ninoy Aquino AND Lee Kuan Yew. Cesar Virata was personally handpicked by the late Ferdinand E. Marcos Sr. A real parliament would have the party pick its prime minister who may become the opposition leader if ever they become the minority.
Is there the possibility that Kakampinks will file an electoral protest even after outgoing Vice President Leni Loud Robredo has moved on? If so, it's a real waste of time. They need to see why they should be focused on SHIFTING TO PARLIAMENTARY RIGHT NOW. That should go the same for "thought leaders" like Jover Laurio and Gerry Cacanindin - their "nanay" Leni Loud to prove herself better than Bobong in a PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM. That would be a better form of protest because of what the Opposition is assigned to do to start with.
The Yellow Opposition could've held the Duterte government accountable UNDER a parliamentary system. It's stupid to keep raising up issues like Francisco Duque's shortcomings. However, one must ask how often Duque stood at the podium of a Parliament, given account for the weekly performance as a health minister, and answered towards an Opposition Health Minister (for example, Willie Ong) to account for his performance? The answer is none. There's no real debate whatsoever. Right now, Leni Loud's loss means a loss of their voice because of a presidential system. Are the Kakampinks going to have to wait for ANOTHER SIX YEARS? That would totally mean that Leni Loud would be 65 years old by then.
A lesson in electoral protests is this. Who remembered Bobong's protests against Leni Loud? If Leni Loud ever won then the COMELEC reveals itself to be inefficient. If Bobong won then the COMELEC can still be charged with manipulation. Either way, it's a damned if COMELEC does or damned if COMELEC doesn't because of the INEFFICIENCY. I wonder did Leni Loud really win the elections after Bobong is declared president incoming? The inefficiency makes me think that Leni Loud may also experience the same problem should she file a protest.
Instead, the best protest should be at the Weekly Question Hour. Kakampinks will get a voice. Let Leni Loud LEGALLY organize her own Shadow Cabinet with Kikoman Pangilinan as her deputy opposition leader. Let Bobong organize his own Government Cabinet with Sara Duterte-Carpio as his deputy prime minister. Uniteam may have won the seats but it's not a winner-take-all. Instead, the minority floor has a real voice. I guess people are too used to thinking democracy means winner takes all. On the contrary, a democracy is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people which makes it more democratic than the presidential system. The minority challenges the majority every week through weekly questioning.
The Kakampinks should see parliamentary as this - their LEGITIMATE GROUND to protest. For example, Bobong says this but Leni Loud has her alternatives. If Leni Loud wants to challenge Bobong to a debate then why not do it in a live debate EVERY WEEK? Bobong should prove himself worthy of leading the nation by answering Leni Loud's challenge. These debates are televised so best behavior is expected from both sides. Bobong needs to defend how he proposes to make rice cheaper. Leni Loud should give her alternatives. This would be better than continued protests individually. It's because the Parliamentary gives the opposition better protesting rights in the Weekly Question Hour.
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