I don't really care if Chel Diokno is on the Government or in the Opposition. The problem with #OtsoDiretso last 2019 was not they were in the Opposition - it's their FAILURE to give alternatives. Criticism of the Government is a must but only if there are real alternatives. #OtsoDiretso ran last 2019 and NONE OF THEM WON. The reason is that they would rather rely on theatrics than give real solutions. One could also blame the use of cartoon politics for the current Opposition. It's almost as if Leni Loud from the Loud House is leading it. That's why I prefer to call Leni Robredo - Leni LOUD Robredo.
I'm not going to say that Diokno vision of having a voice for the ordinary Filipino isn't needed. I could agree that the justice system isn't going to fix itself and must be fixed. However, as long as Diokno still wants to insist on remaining in the 1987 Constitution then he's simply contradicting himself. It's the 1987 Constitution that boomeranged badly on the Yellowtards. First, Otso Diretso lost in 2019. Second, ABiaS-CBN lost its franchise LEGALLY. Third, now the Opposition is not even formalized because we're still in a PRESIDENTIAL SYSTEM. #OtsoDiretso could've won IF they focused on the 3PA agenda by supporting the shift to the parliamentary system so they can become a formal opposition.
Do I need to keep repeating myself that the Marcos Years were NOT a real parliamentary? A real parliamentary would have a layout were the majority is represented by the GOVERNMENT and the minority is represented by the OPPOSITION. These two sides represent two sides of the coin - the majority and the minority. Democracy may be the rule of the majority BUT it respects the rights of the minority. Democracy is defined as a rule of the people, by the people, and for the people. The minority is part of the people too. The ordinary Filipino would have a better voice under the Parliamentary Republic of the Philippines than the current Republic of the Philippines.
The justice system in the parliamentary would be more focused. It's because there's the weekly question hour for a start. Both Government and Opposition must be forced to answer to each other. For example, the Anti-Terrorism Bill wouldn't be much of an issue under a parliamentary system. Important amendments can be easily seen such as, "Wait! That's illegal detention! I suggest we modify this part!" instead of getting rid of the bill altogether. Other issues would be Build Build Build or any projects. For example, Noynoy Aquino himself as the Prime Minister would've been able to make sure his projects during his term well-monitored and not left hanging. Today, Rodrigo Duterte as prime minister would have his projects scrutinized as well to make sure they're not too expensive or left unfinished.
Diokno really needs to stop relying on theatrics (and also the WHOLE Liberal Party) if they want to be relevant again. If he doesn't understand the big differences then he's just all talk. However, if he decides to really support shift to parliamentary then 1Sambayan can be the Opposition it's always dreamed of becoming.
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