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Gary Alejano And His Friends Should've Escorted As Bodyguards For ABiaS-CBN's Vessel During The West PH Sea Coverage

I don't know if I should laugh or be outraged at what happened. For one, I don't approve of China (as a political entity) being a bully to its fellow nations. Though, it might be worth asking IF the Philippines really deserves to have the West Philippine Sea, or should it be called the South China Sea again? Again, neither, because I want to convert Spratlys into an independent state for those who don't want constitutional reform. I felt that the whole incident was a lost opportunity for Gary Alejano and his friends to prove themselves so they can win the 2022 election. Alejano and his friends could've prepared their boats to escort ABiaS-CBN reporter Chiara Zambrano and company at the West Philippine Sea (WPH) to protect her. 

Meanwhile, the whole incident is described by Get Real Pundit as a publicity stunt. These words really might be the best way to describe the incident or misadventure:

There was no chase and Zambrano wasn’t aboard a fishing vessel. Why the Department of National Defense (DND) and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) allowed her access to the disputed area should be answered by the Secretary of National Defense. At a time when tensions in the area are running high, the last thing which should happen is the provocation of an incident which could be the spark of armed conflict.

Clearly the Opposition is very irresponsible because at a time when the country is dealing with the pandemic, it still puts its vested interest ahead of that of the public it is supposed to serve. In the service of the Filipino is nothing more than a lie.

Rather than request President Rodrigo R. Duterte to get his jetski - the "Opposition" really lost its chance to prove itself. Do you remember when #OtsoDiretso decided to taunt Duterte to ride the jetski? Well, it's really a bad publicity stunt. I'm amazed at how the Liberal Party would rather stick to theatrics than solutions. #OtsoDiretso should've focused on SOLUTIONS rather than theatrics (such as the jetski). For instance, Alejano could've been more focused on how to negotiate or raise defenses than participate in the jetski incident. Isn't it obvious that Duterte's statement of going by jetski is a HYPERBOLE? Is it me or do many Filipinos fail to understand obvious hyperboles? The guys at #OtsoDiretso made fools of themselves by NOT giving solutions or alternatives for the Duterte Administration. Instead, they were too focused on being clowns. 

For me, it's really a missed opportunity for Alejano and his pals. Imagine how #OtsoDiretso could've redeemed itself if Gary Alejano and his friends escorted to protect the boat full of journalists. They could've shown themselves better than Duterte IF they escorted the vessel. Instead, they decided to show that they were more willing to bitch about Duterte's jetski than to show themselves better than Duterte. Then again, I could imagine the massive retreat they would've. I wonder if they could even bring home the bacon.
