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Which Is More Important: ABiaS-CBN News Scoops OR Emergency Response Vehicles?

An update from Get Real Pundit (GR Pundit) has revealed a new incident that may go viral soon. A recent video of an ABiaS-CBN vehicle refusing to GIVE WAY to an emergency vehicle was caught on camera. This really makes me wonder are the ABiaS-CBN news scoops more life-saving than the EMERGENCY RESPONSE VEHICLE? Yes, I'm capitalizing it that big because lives are at stake yet that ABiaS-CBN vehicle is REFUSING to give way and for what? Is the news scoop going to save whoever is in need of that emergency response vehicle? Lives are in danger and it's SIMPLE GUIDELINES that if there's an emergency response vehicle - PLEASE DO GIVE WAY. I don't have to be a journalist to know that what ABiaS-CBN's vehicle did was totally unethical. Does ABiaS-CBN think itself above the law that caused it to LOSE its government franchise? 

This made me think again about the incidents that happened since COVID-19 struck. Recently, a rant from Rapplerite Paige Occenola really makes you wonder what she thinks. Does Paige here think that ABiaS-CBN can stop an incoming typhoon? I can't pretend to know what she thinks but I can still assume that she does. The attitude of the ABiaS-CBN news vehicle NOT GIVING WAY to the vehicle may be bordered on that mentality. I wonder did the crew of ABiaS-CBN (in that vehicle caught on camera) think that their news scoops will magically heal whoever was in need of an emergency response at that time? Maybe, they just don't care what happens as long as they get their news scoop?

Speaking of which, let's remember Angel "Beauty Without Brains" Locsin COLMENARES. Yes, it really is something that ABiaS-CBN did make a headline that Angel wanted to be fixed. Later, the title of the same headline was later changed to "Angel Locsin: 'Taking ABS-CBN off air amid pandemic doesn't help majority of Filipinos'". I'm still thinking about the arrogance of this woman. Does she think that ABiaS-CBN is really that needed or that it will supposedly cure or even eradicate COVID-19? Sure, the headline was changed but the stupidity still REMAINS THE SAME. I wonder did Angel even bother to check the status of the one million signatures for ABiaS-CBN franchise renewal? Until today, it barely reached HALF A MILLION. Worse, she even placed the PUBLIC in danger with their mass rally. No scientific evidence that the rallies increased the COVID-19 infection? Well, that's just stupid because social distancing is required to defeat a virus that's highly contagious. Former Taiwanese vice president Chen Chien Jen an epidemiologist even says that social distancing and DISCIPLINE helped Taiwan win COVID-19. Yet, what did ABiaS-CBN do? They did the opposite. They practiced neither social distancing nor discipline. Rigoberto Tiglao was right in pointing out that it's impossible to enforce social distancing and sanitation in those rallies. Fortunately, the ABiaS-CBN noise rallies had more FLIES than PEOPLE attending it. However, we can't discount the risk of infection caused by rallies either.

This really makes you think right now - does ABiaS-CBN really care about the people as they claim? Do they claim to really fight for the truth or only when the truth is CONVENIENT to them? If ABiaS-CBN really cares then they should FIRE the crew in that vehicle for what they did. Besides, who can ever FORGET the Rolando Mendoza incident? The irresponsible behavior of the news crew also made it possible to botch the whole negotiation incident. It would be better said that ABiaS-CBN is in the DISSERVICE of the Filipino with the current incident. Hopefully, ABiaS-CBN will take responsibility and issue a public apology by firing the crew that got caught on camera. 
