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Penoy Prayd Communism Is An OxyMORONic IDIOTology


As talks to change the charter are on - CPP-NPA legal fronts umeepal for the nth time. The concerns are always, "ANO? UMAASA KA NAMAN SA MGA DAYUHANG INVESTOR?" I'm laughing at that thought because Communism ISN'T A FILIPINO INVENTION. Last I Googled it - Karl Marx was from GERMANY. Mao Zedong was from China. Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin were from Russia. In short, Communism IS a foreign ideology. They may reply that ideologies aren't foreign investors trying to steal away the resources. Again, do they know the difference between INVESTMENT and INVASION? 

They have this fear or irrational statement that it means the Philippines will be sold to foreigners. They would say that FDIs are there to invade the Philippines and enslave Filipinos. Even funnier, why are they using COMMUNIST China as a boogeyman of sorts? If these people love Communism so much then why aren't they welcoming a Communist country to invade the Philippines? They should all raise welcome banners when Emperor Xi Jinping arrives. Xi may even go to the kabukiran to see the welfare of the CPP-NPA recruits. Xi may even raise Mao's portrait at EDSA while the CPP-NPA dances to it. Instead, Penoy Prayd Communists still antagonized those who could've been their most valuable ally

The recent controversy of her dishonor, Bamban Mayor Alice Leal Guo is that she might be a CCP spy. Listening to the video by former CCP worker Danny Zhang was rather enlightening. CCP has spies everywhere. Why doesn't the CPP-NPA agree to work with Chinese spies or with China? Instead, Alice is used as an excuse not to pursue economic charter change. Their fear is always that it's a way for the Philippines to be a gift to China. Gifting the Philippines to China should be a call for rejoicing for the CPP-NPA! Wouldn't they like it if the pictures of their idols such as Mao, Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Frederick Engels, and Joseph Stalin were displayed by Communist China during its takeover? Xi would make it mandatory for Philippine media to play songs praising Mao. The TV stations would constantly air Communist Propaganda as part of the required learning. Students will have to study Mao Zedong Thought in the Universities.

The Communist anthem "Le Internationale" means "The International". The refrain even says this:

So comrades, come rally
And the last fight let us face
The Internationale unites the human race.

In other words, Communism was NEVER meant to be an isolationist ideology. Instead, they want to have a Penoy Prayd Communism. Would these clowns want to say that Marx was really a Filipino born in Germany? That would be very funny! No records ever show that Marx was an ethnic Filipino. Maoism is an ideology that comes from China. China still makes Mao's birthday a holiday. If Communism takes over - the new laws will require Filipinos to pay tribute to Mao on his birthday. That continues to be a dilemma because Communism was NEVER a Filipino invention. If the Philippines goes Communist - it should associate itself with other Communist nations like China and Vietnam. Ironically, the CPP-NPA hasn't honored Deng Xiaoping and Ho Chi Minh when both men are commies too. 

Even funnier, these Filipino Communists spread their agenda with IMPORTED MEDIA. Yes, talk about the stupidity of the CPP-NPA using MacPROs to spread their agenda. No to Apple factory in the Philippines but using MacPROs to spread their agenda? The CPV allowed Apple to build a factory in Vietnam. Now, every Vietnamese communist may be able to get MacPROs to spread Doi Moi from Starbucks. Meanwhile, one must wonder where the CPP-NPA gets its money to afford iPhones and MacPROs when they're luxury products. 

They might also be seething in envy of the other Communists. Kayabangan Partylist can only envy Ho Chi Minh Youth Union (HCYU) or the Chinese Communist Youth League (CCYL). The HCYU and CCYL are more productive than Kayabangan Partylist. Kayabangan Partylist's jingle pales compared to the CCYL jingle "We Are Dream Chasers". The CPP-NPA can only dream of what the CPV and the CCP have achieved. The CPV and CCP achieved their aims through economic reforms. The CPP-NPA is still adamant about following Doi Moi and Communism with Chinese Characteristics.

Overall, it's a real massive failure of the mind. I guess they can't see they contradict themselves. 
