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Should Angel Locsin COLMENARES (Along With Those Who Rallied With Her) Be Charged For Public Endangerment?

It's really something that Angel Locsin Colmenares shows what she is - a beauty without brains. Angel's quote above can be translated into English as follows, "Forgive us if we are seldom hardheaded. However, we would like to reach out by saying that you, health workers, are our comrades. We are twice careful in order to make the burden lighter. Just don't be discouraged. We love you. We are supporting you. We need you - you are the heroes in this war. A lot of thanks for the sacrifices you made for us." This is really just plain hypocrisy. That's why I wrote that an angel of death flew over the ABiaS-CBN Noise Barrage Rally. At this point, I think Angel is showing she's a certified hypocrite. Real talk for her - health workers are already getting sick and tired because of pasaways like her! What she did by leading the rally is already threatening the public's safety considering that the COVID-19 or Legacy Virus is indeed HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS!

Rigoberto Tiglao is really RIGHT to blame that ABiaS-CBN and communists helped worsen COVID-19. Here's an excerpt from the same article that really makes a lot of sense:

Rally participants are forced to violate either all at the same time or consecutively the four things Covid-19 experts say are absolutely necessary to contain the epidemic: 1) wear face masks in public; 2) physically distance yourself from others by at least 1 meter; 3) avoid crowds; and 4) wash your hands vigorously and avoid touching your face. One can’t help touching each other somehow in such crowds.

Do you think the rallyists never took off or lowered from their noses the masks after an hour or two under the hot sun? They wear masks, they touch each other so often in such crowds. Would anyone really be able to tell a fellow rallyist to stay away from him by 1 meter? How on earth could they have washed their hands during the rally?

As epidemiologists have also emphasized, a scenario that spreads the disease is one in which there is a lot of shouting, as droplets containing the virus are projected much further when these come from someone hollering, especially with passion, “Oust Duterte!” which is done not just by the speakers, but also by the rallyists.

Worse, after the rally, many of them —now infected — would have of course used public transport, where they infected helpless commuters coming from a hard day’s work.

Tiglao's valid points really show some common sense. Let's face it that wearing both facemasks and face shields together is VERY HOT and limits oxygen intake. Sooner or later, you will be accumulating lots of saliva and phlegm in the process. If you're sick then STAY AT HOME or WORK AT HOME. Also, a rally is a MASS GATHERING so how is it even possible to do social distancing there? Also, when they take public transportation - they are putting people AT RISK when they do so. I wonder did Angel consider that when she did what she did with the other rallyists?

Here's my stance - I'd say yes she and the others should be charged with public endangerment. True, Mocha Usok and Debold Sinas don't deserve a free pass. I also think President Rodrigo R. Duterte's gasoline remark was uncalled for. I think a travel ban from China should've been done earlier. Maybe quarantine for Metro Manila should've been done last February or March 2020. I don't care if Angel herself is giving relief goods and the like. What she did is PUBLIC endangerment. They weren't there to give relief goods or to give equipment to workers. They were there PRIORITIZING the ABiaS-CBN franchise instead of defeating COVID-19. Now, she wants to wash her hands (figuratively) of her reckless irresponsibility? Please, it's just that recklessly stupid!

Here's what I suggest. They say that they want to empathize with the health workers? I think they should be punished with detention and community service. Let her and her fellow rallyists be forced to a month or more of community service. They should be forced to do non-glamorous jobs such as cleaning up canals and picking up garbages. After all, rallies do leave a lot of garbage behind. Let them clean the garbage. They messed it up so they should clean it up, right? 
