A Presidential Decree Should Declare COVID-19 Pasaways As TWAT Meaning "Totally Withhold All Treatment"

There was a bit of a joke from the United Kingdom that talked about having the TWAT law. Nope, it's not a real law yet but here's a screenshot below of the TWAT order which I'd consider to be reasonable if President Rodrigo R. Duterte should sign it into a presidential decree...

Above is just a joke order of the His/Her Majesty's Government (HM Government for short) in regards to the COVID-19 outbreak. It may just be a joke but wouldn't it be nice if this was a reality? If only President Rodrigo R. Duterte would actually declare this a new countermeasure against guideline breakers during the COVID-19 crisis. I remembered one of my previous articles proposed that violators should be made to do community service without pay. Community service without pay is painful. There's nothing humiliating about doing menial labor unless you're not paid. There's also another article I wrote where people can't expect the quarantine to be over if they don't follow simple guidelines.

Make everyone who wishes to break quarantine guidelines can apply for TWAT status. Yes, if you want to risk your life in your own hands, wish to leave home, meet friends, gather in public places, and continue life even in the presence of COVID can apply for it. However, the condition for the application is Totally Withhold All Treatment. That is if you get infected by COVID-19 then you are on your own. Why should they be TWAT? It's because pasaways will end up prolonging the COVID-19 epidemic. The best advice for them might be to consider taking Donald J. Trump's advice to drink disinfectants. They may also consider moving to Oakwood with protection from the Magdalo

Either way, the Philippines is better off without pasaways who refuse to follow simple guidelines!
