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Will You Please Stop Asking For Pinaskohan From People?

It's the first day of December and nothing is more exciting than the fact that there's 24 more days before Christmas, right? While one can get excited about the 13th month pay, reunions, parties and the like yet it can also be a source of frustration because there are many common, irritating habits that is prevalent among Filipinos during the Christmas season. One of the many common, irritating habits happens to be the stupidity of asking for people who love to ask for pinaskohan or Christmas package from other people.

I don't have anything against people giving pinaskohan to friends, employees and tenants but it should be at the discretion of the person. Banks give them to loyal clients. Some loyal customers get a pinaskohan for their frequent patronage. You can think of how they are given as a reward for a whole year of good work. Yet, you've got parasites who are are actually asking for pinaskohan because it's December. Now that's another issue compared to people who get pinaskohan and they never asked for it. They simply waited for people to give it to them.

The problem of the thick face and thin skin crowd is that they have no shame when they ask others for the "mandatory" pinaskohan even if they didn't do a good job. But even if they did an outstanding job -- they still have no right to ask for pinaskohan even if they do have the right to complain if a lazy colleague stole their work or got promoted for doing nothing. Also, some even dare to ask pinaskohan from their landlords or creditors even if they hardly pay their dues on time. Their thin-skinned behavior even shows up when they are told that they have no right to even ask for pinaskohan -- by lashing out their idiocy as if laws here in the Philippines make them mandatory?

Here's my advice to those who beg for pinaskohan. They simply fail to consider that giving pinaskohan is not an investment spending but leisure spending! Also, if they want everything for free then they have to consider that they have to accept lower quality products and services in return. How can I expect to repair damages that happen in their area if they don't pay up properly? How can you expect to improve services if you don't have money? That's why if they want to keep asking for pinaskohan then they must be ready for quality to go down because improvement and innovation requires a lot of money! 
