Kris Aquino Could've Died For Swimming While There's Lightning In The Sky

Whatever bad happens to Kris Aquino seems to be foreshadowing more of the fall of the Dilawans, isn't it? Just recently, an incident that reveals that she was nearly struck by lightning. I find the whole incident WTF for this reason. Water is a conductor of electricity and lightning is electricity. Anybody who has passed through high school physics should know that! She may have had graduated from a prestigious school but she sure lacks common sense, doesn't she? 

This incident with Kris shows why the following simple guidelines is a must. I remembered writing about how can Filipinos expect progress if many of them don't even want to follow simple guidelines. The guidelines are not there to be repressive. I still remember that very stupid fat man who even dared to say that he would kill himself if he has to follow rules. What that very stupid fat man doesn't see is that guidelines are there to keep people safe. Singapore has been known to be safe in spite of its shortcomings because of discipline. A safety fence is there for a good reason. It's like you put railings near a danger zone to keep people away from the danger zone.

The Dilawans seem to have a wrong sense of freedom like many Filipinos do. Kris seems to be the very embodiment of the wrong sense of freedom that the Dilawans had. Freedom isn't absolute and neither is having authority. Freedom is the absence of oppression but not the absence of rules. There's a line between democracy and anarchy. Democracy is a government that involves the principle of give and take. Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. A government is still essential in a healthy democracy. Anarchy is when there's almost no control. You can do what you want but just don't break the rules. She could've died from the said incident for not following one simple rule -- no swimming when there's lightning!

I wonder has Kris even learned her lesson from this incident? 
