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The Pseudo-Intellectualism Of Anti-Reform Advocates

Image result for jover laurio stupid
There's many faces that I could choose from but why am I now choosing Jover Laurio's face of all faces worth putting up as a cover? It's because she got awards and recognition she doesn't deserve such as "Filipino of the Year" and her work being labeled as "well-researched" by Maria Ressa (who appeared as one of her sponsors during her wedding) even when it isn't. Now it's time to talk about the pseudo-intellectualism behind the anti-reform advocates.

What's wrong with the anti-reform advocates going against CoRRECT Philippines? I noticed that recent comments in this article I wrote earlier only have anonymous comments using "hahahahaha" and name calling to win an argument. Name calling, mockery and stroking your ego is NOT the best way to win an argument -- you may think you've won, have a false sense of victory but all you do is make a fool out of yourself. That's what those two recent attacks done have made. Need I mention there's certain groups who'd rather focus on name calling and mockery than argue intelligently?

Where does their pseudo-intellectualism kick in? I could talk about Toady Casino himself where he wrote two seemingly intellectual pieces at CRappler. He has made ridiculous claims against federalism, parliamentary and above all economic liberalization. The old statement that inviting foreign investors to invest in the Philippines means loss of sovereignty and only they will get rich is getting old. What I didn't consider is that these pseudo-intellectuals probably know they're lying and that nationalism for them is just a facade for their power-hungry agenda. They probably know the reality such as that first world countries progressed through economic liberalization but they say otherwise to maintain their power. However, simple research these days proves that North Korea and Venezuela are protectionist while South Korea and Chile are free-trade countries.

Then I could talk about a certain stupid 4Ps obsessed old man. He can go ahead and brag about his vast knowledge in Mathematics but if he believes in magic money then getting his degree in Math is USELESS. It's basic Mathematics that if you can't account for X then you can't account for anything at all. He can go ahead and show all his equations that say, "If you take a look this is how 4Ps work." but if he can't prove that's how it works then his knowledge in Math is all theory without application. He's just playing a game of numbers instead of using the subject to benefit people. Basic algebra and calculus are frequently used in business mathematics such as finding the break-even point (quadratic formula) as well as profit functions. But if said stupid old man can't account for the source of funding for 4Ps and its results then his knowledge in Mathematics can't be used as an excuse. Worse, if ever he's really an engineer then it's stupid that he's one yet he can't see that the problem lies first with the system THEN the people. Just think has he even realized that programmers need decent working computers with updated systems and outdated hardware and systems can also affect their efficiency? Also, does he realize that the best swordsmen also need the best swords to win? Hmmm... for all his degrees he sure lacks common sense. Proof you can't buy common sense in schools huh?

Their so-called intellectualism can be exposed like their so-called decency. While I can agree President Duterte needs to stop his cussing and control his temper -- the so-called decency of the anti-reform advocates is showing it as well. Some of them even write comments as anonymous or even demand people to show themselves up while the former is in fact anonymous. They can show how anti-intellectual they are by their frequent use of mockery. It's like how people like Agot Isidro, Leah Navarro, Jim Paredes, Frank Baraan IV, and their kind would use personal attacks, red herrings (which is used to divert the issue), false dichotomies, an argument based on ignorance, and other forms of logical fallacies to win an argument. If that's all they are capable of then I wonder how can they be truly be considered intellectuals then?
