Awards here, awards there and the awards go on as Maria Ressa is now Person of the Year for Time Magazine. Is it a cause for just anyone to be jealous and to play the jealousy card as she keeps getting awards? There are Clueless Western media entities keep showing her with awards but the question is now can they bring her back credibility to her very own home country? Now, Yellowtards can go ahead and brag that the Duterte supporters should be jealous of her getting Time Magazine's slot and called her "the guardians and the war on truth". It's just as erroneous as comparing Leila De Lima to a real heroine namely Aung San Syu Kii in Myanmar. So why is Ressa getting lumped together with the REAL truth fighters and even made her the poster lady for the year? Hmmm shouldn't this be a call for suspicion that perhaps close ties between the Democrats of the U.S. and the Liberal Party of the Philippines could also be the cause. Did the Liberal Party of the Philippines pay Time Magazine to feature Ressa among the real persecuted journalists?
I used to read Time Magazine back when I was a troubled teenager seeking escape from the Philippines up to the time I was in college student. Now, I thought about it that Time Magazine is just another partisan network like ABiaS-CBN, Inquirer and CRappler. Media bias/fact check also revealed that Time Magazine is Left-Center Bias.
All Sides also reveals the following about Time Magazine that should further and inadvertently corrode Ressa's status as its latest "model" saying the following about Time itself:
During the Sept. 2018 editorial review, the AllSides team noted that Time magazine's news pieces are written in a narrative-based way: rather than simply stating hard facts, Time often paints a picture in its writing. Time magazine occassionally includes some Center perspectives. During our review, we saw a number of "puff pieces" favorable to Democrats featured prominently on the site's main pages. The AllSides team noted Time is not as sensationalist and does not employ as much emotional language as other far Left outlets, though it still does employ these tactics from time to time.
This would link that birds of the same feather will always fly together. People who aren't biased will never say they're biased. If Ressa would be obvious that she's not an independent journalist then she wouldn't have had her ground for many years. It's like how CRappler does report a good amount of truth while it cleverly mixes them with lies. It's almost like the alleged quote of Loida Nicolas-Lewis when she supposedly said (if ever) -- "It doesn't have to be true -- it just needs to look like it." Yet the real issue with CRappler is not an attack on press freedom. Rather, it's her failure to comply with by-laws and she's still given the chance to comply with them. ABiaS-CBN also does some fact checking yet it only fact checks when it's convenient. Is Time Magazine also doing the same thing? If so then don't be surprised that Ressa is their latest model!
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