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Can Prime Minister Bongbong Marcos Really Survive In A REAL PARLIAMENTARY SET-UP?

It's often said that the 1973 Constitution of the Philippines was a parliamentary form of government. However, the truth is that it wasn't even a real parliamentary system. The late Ninoy Aquino's speech in Los Angeles where he mentioned about a MOCK PARLIAMENT. Ninoy pointed out that the late Ferdinand E. Marcos Sr. himself had created a PARLIAMENTARY WITHOUT A PARLIAMENT. The role of the president in parliament isn't a president with powers. The parliamentary role of the president is to serve as a ceremonial role. Such wasn't the case when Marcos Sr. handpicked Cesar Virata. Virata was described by the late Lee Kuan Yew as NO POLITICAL LEADER. If it was a real parliamentary system then Virata would've been the Head of Government. Instead, Marcos Sr. was still calling the shots like Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars.

Now, some fear that a parliamentary system will make Bobong "all-powerful." However, if we knew how a parliamentary system works then one must ask, "Can Bobong REALLY survive a real parliamentary system?" According to idiots like Jason VOORHEES (who's back again with his machete causing trouble at the comment section) who trolls the Get Real Philippines page - Bobong would. However, a real parliamentary system wouldn't be so easy either. It's because it's NEVER EASY to become a prime minister in Singapore. But let's say that BBM himself was the prime minister of the Parliamentary Republic of the Philippines. 

Lstening to Bobong talk is just plain annoying. People keep saying that it's because of stupid voters we have a stupid president. So much for saying that the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines is "Da Best in Da World", right? I guess Hilarious Davide has a LOT of explaining to do as to how it even allowed Bobong or why stupid voters get their way. Bobong promised ECONOMIC IMPOSSIBILITIES like PHP 20.00 per kilo. Right now, I even wonder if Benign0 of GRP is against constitutional reform (while hypocritically staying in Australia because Filipinos will "never change" according to him) because of his status as a Marcos loyalist. I even wonder if Benign0 is even treating the stupidity that Bobong blurts out as genuine words of advice. 

A parliamentary system differs from the presidential for this reason. It's because the Government must face the Opposition. Imagine the setup where Prime Minister Bobong Marcos must face Opposition Leader Leni Loud Robredo. I'm amazed some Kakampinks are still so opposed to constitutional reform with all the BLAH BLAH BLAHS like it'll never work because BLAH BLAH BLAH. If only they did more research on how it's NEVER EASY to be a Member of the Parliament in Singapore. 

A parliamentary system will require weekly questioning. Leni Loud is obliged to question the Bobong-led government and hold it accountable. The Kakampink Opposition will be required to question Team BBM Government on a weekly basis. I did watch both interviews of Bobong and Leni Loud. Leni Loud may have had some mistakes but she did answer some things about economics right. Just imagine if Leni Loud would start to question Bobong about his well, BOBONG policies. I could imagine the gladiatorial battles that would hit when Bobong answers ONE STUPID ANSWER AFTER THE OTHER. Can you imagine if Bobong keeps answering STUPIDLY when Leni Loud asks her questions? It would be a total embarrassment. It could start hissing and booing. The Kakampink Opposition can move for a MOTION OF NO CONFIDENCE. Bobong doesn't need to do a crime. All Bobong needs is to lose the confidence of the Parliament. 

The reason why Bobong's father was NEVER removed was that it wasn't a legitimate parliament. Marcos Sr. was pretty much like an emperor with absolute power. Virata was nothing more than a sitting duck. All the information that Jason VOORHEES gave to me only defeated his arguments. Marcos Sr. made it so that HE CAN DISSOLVE PARLIAMENT BUT IT CAN'T DISSOLVE HIM. Meanwhile, a real parliament would've already ousted the dictatorship without even needing EDSA.

We've had so many vote-wisely campaigns. Yet, how can it work anyway? There's hardly any scrutiny ever done for candidates. You can even have a scenario where Antonio F. Trillanes IV DIES then his wife will become president. Can you imagine if Arlene Orejana-Trillanes will one day be president out of the blue because her husband died? The 2022 elections may even become a mockery if Trillanes died and his wife became a presidential candidate. The presidential system only encourages the whole beauty pageant idea. I don't mind Catriona Gray's endorsement of Leni Loud. What became problematic is that Leni Loud ends up getting endorsed by celebrities for whatever credibility she would have. Yet, some stupid people still believe in "vote wisely" when popularity overrides credibility. 

The case would be that Bobong either keeps the Philippine Parliament's confidence in him or he's out. If ever that the Parliament gives a 51% vote to REMOVE HIM FROM OFFICE - you can imagine him losing LIVE ON TELEVISION. Either way, just think about it that a real parliamentary system would've probably toasted Bobong since last year. Even better, a pariamentary system would've prevented Bobong from even rising into the position of prime minister. 
