No To Once-A-Year Presidential SONA, Yes To Parliamentary WEEKLY Questioning!

Well, the SONA is approach on Monday, right? It would be the fifth State of the Nation Address (SONA) and honestly, what has SONAs really done when they are done ONCE A YEAR? It's crazy that Get Real Philippines (GRP) would criticize Noynoy Aquino's speeches without realizing that the REAL problem is the SYSTEM itself. I'm also not getting interested in President Rodrigo R. Duterte's SONA either because of the PRESIDENTIAL SYSTEM. We have a SONA but what about a real big-time Question and Answer round? The problem with the SONA regardless of who the president is that there's HARDLY any questioning. I mean, shouldn't it be interesting if the Liberal Party led by, let's say, Noynoy Aquino would pass questions against the PDP-Laban in a moderated debate EVERY WEEK. I mean, question and answer time is highly vital, especially in this current time.

Let's consider the term of Noynoy himself and what went wrong. It's really stupid GRP would criticize the SONA of Noynoy without realizing the BIGGER PROBLEM. Six years were spent criticizing Noynoy's SONA but did they really see the BIGGER PROBLEM as to why Noynoy stayed for six years? We can consider the presidential system is really at work. Noynoy had some achievements but what made him win was his Aquino surname. Noynoy's dad Ninoy died and his mother Cory became president. His mother Cory died and he became president. Maybe, it was a good thing that Noynoy didn't literally get run over by a train because maybe we can expect a Kris Aquino Presidency this 2022. 

Holding Noynoy accountable was nigh impossible for one reason - the SYSTEM itself hardly holds! Why don't we try to review every SONA he had and not just Duterte for a change? Just think was Noynoy even put under a REAL questioning during his SONA? For the Yellowtards, they also need to answer was the Liberal Party able to question Duterte during the previous SONAs after Noynoy? It's not just Duterte, it's not just Noynoy, but EVERY LAST PRESIDENT before them was not even questioned. Just think if Ferdinand E. Marcos Sr. was under a parliamentary system then EDSA wouldn't be necessary. Marcos would've been voted out of his office for unexplained wealth and maybe even arrested inside the Parliament. 

One thing we need to note is how the parliamentary system holds the prime minister accountable. It's a myth that parliaments have no term limits. Yes, you can have as many terms as you want UNTIL you are kicked out of the Parliament for valid reasons. You won't probably see Joseph "Erap" Estrada having another term as prime minister IF he got kicked out by a vote of no confidence. It's because the parliamentary system has two parties opposed to each other namely the Majority Bloc (Government) and the Opposition (Minority). What's even better is the weekly questioning

Prime Minister Aquino vs. Opposition Leader Marcos
Just imagine if Noynoy were held accountable EVERY WEEK. For one, I don't think a lot of mistakes that happened under Noynoy's term would have worsened such as the worsening MRT or certain financial mishaps. It's because Noynoy himself would have to really answer a lot. He would have to come PREPARED. I think a lot of stuff he said such as his controversial statement about solar and wind energy is a result of being unprepared. Why should Noynoy be always prepared if his SONA was just ONCE A YEAR and there's hardly any questioning? Let's imagine what if every week - Noynoy himself would have to answer to Opposition Leader Bongbong Marcos.

Let's consider the topic is on renewable energy. Noynoy will have to come in PREPARED or risk getting impeached. Bongbong must prepare everything to prove his statements right or risk getting impeached. Let's just imagine the round-table of where Noynoy begins his opening statement on renewable energy by citing his concerns. Meanwhile, Bongbong must challenge Noynoy and reveal his alternatives such as mentioning his wind farm in Ilocos Norte would at least help solve the energy crisis. Both of them are head on to which would've held Noynoy accountable. If Noynoy were subjected to weekly questioning then imagine how either he may have been impeached for stupidity or he would've actually been a much better letter. 

Prime Minister Duterte vs. Opposition Leader Aquino
The same is applicable for Duterte. If the Opposition wants to hold Duterte accountable then why not shift to parliamentary? Afraid their rivals may rule forever? It's because the parliamentary system has  a much better, well-defined Opposition. Duterte himself would be questioned every week by the Opposition. If he fails to uphold the confidence of the Parliament then he can consider either resigning or be hit by impeachment via a vote of no confidence. The same applies for EVERYONE in the parliament when they fail to raise the confidence level of the legislative. You can imagine Antonio Trillanes IV falling like Bill Shorten from Australia.

Can you imagine if Duterte were held questionable weekly? I think he would have probably avoided that crude gasoline disinfectant joke. He would probably be more self-conscious about his crude behavior. Also, the desire of Leni Loud Robredo to have a WEEKLY REPORT from Duterte would no longer be a problem. It's because the Opposition (which I'll imagine is under Noynoy himself) will be asking for the Government reports. The Government will have to hand over their reports concerning everything that's going on such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Duterte's WEEKLY REPORTS would have to be detailed. Every plan he has to defeat COVID-19 will be questioned. In turn, the Opposition must also give their alternatives. Also, the Opposition's relief operation Angat Buhay would be a much-welcome competition to the Government's relief operation. That's why I support having Angat Buhay - Leni Loud herself is giving the Government its badly needed competition to keep it on its toes. 

That's why the SONA must go and the Weekly Questioning must live. It would be better to have a REAL Q & A session than just the president speaking for an entire hour. Imagine how many mistakes would have been corrected if the Philippines were under a parliamentary system. 
