It's always the question of System Change or Culture Change, right? It's really THAT UPSETTING that Benign0 of Get Real Philippines ONLY WHINES in many of his posts. His recent post "The world will not wait for the Philippines to recover from COVID-19" is really something. All he does is mention about how the Philippines isn't ready. Yet, the guy has always shown his IGNORANCE about the need for a REAL system change. It's always argued by people that changing the system without changing the people first is useless. However, systems matter over people since it's the system that dictates where everything goes. Those who are complaining that President Rodrigo R. Duterte hasn't fixed much or former president Noynoy Aquino hasn't fixed much fail to see that it's the SYSTEM. Both former presidents Fidel V. Ramos and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo wanted to fix the system but was thwarted by ignorance. Yes, the long-crippling problem is that Filipinos kept fighting against reforms that could've benefited them.
Now, Vice President Leni Loud Robredo has always stated that it's time to focus on COVID-19 first before having charter change or constitutional reform. Sometimes, I feel like the government does a poor job delegating its tasks. I think it would be good for COVID-19 to be delegated to one and constitutional reform to another. However, it seems that Leni Loud wants to focus all energies on COVID-19 without considering many factors. COVID-19 has shown itself that the 1987 is NOT the best in the world. Yet, Leni Loud still thinks that everything should be focused on health relief. Her logic seems to mirror that of a hospital director who thinks that patients need to get well first before the hospital's workplace system and equipment are to be improved or upgraded. The problem is IF we don't fix the system NOW then how can we expect patients to get better?
Now, Vice President Leni Loud Robredo has always stated that it's time to focus on COVID-19 first before having charter change or constitutional reform. Sometimes, I feel like the government does a poor job delegating its tasks. I think it would be good for COVID-19 to be delegated to one and constitutional reform to another. However, it seems that Leni Loud wants to focus all energies on COVID-19 without considering many factors. COVID-19 has shown itself that the 1987 is NOT the best in the world. Yet, Leni Loud still thinks that everything should be focused on health relief. Her logic seems to mirror that of a hospital director who thinks that patients need to get well first before the hospital's workplace system and equipment are to be improved or upgraded. The problem is IF we don't fix the system NOW then how can we expect patients to get better?
Jover Laurio's "hold your anger until 2022" isn't going to work - why not system change now? Jover has revealed herself to be antagonistic towards charter change. For what? Because 2022 elections are more important than changing the system now? Wait until 2022? So when's the Philippines going to open up its economy? Only when the trillions of pesos in debt become trillions of DOLLARS in debt? Please, the Philippines needs all the money it can get where buying LOCAL is NOT ENOUGH. Sure, Filipinos buying local contributes to taxes but what if there are too many Filipinos without money? That's why I advocate for the opening up of the economy because foreign direct investors (FDI) too can participate in the Buy Filipino Products program. FDIs would want to buy local raw materials whenever possible to avoid costly shipments from their home countries. FDIs hiring Filipinos would mean that there would be more locals who can buy local. I support buy local but it's not enough to do so.
Some argue that Filipinos need to be business-minded before FDIs must be accepted. The argument itself is stupid for this reason. When are more Filipinos going to get more business-minded if there's hardly any competition? So really, don't tell me that the big Filipino businesses like Robinson's, SM, Ayala, or the banks will all perish under FDI? A study of history would get the economic history of China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore would be helpful. These countries didn't wait for their countrymen to be business-savvy. Consider the decades-long apathy that Chinese had due to Mao Zedong's rule. Consider that Taiwan and Singapore were impoverished islands. Consider that South Korea had just split away from the North without much to work on. Do you think those poor people were all business savvy? Some poor people are business savvy but most aren't. If those countries waited for their citizens to be all business-savvy then they would have become even poorer than when they started. Opening up the country to FDI was a bootstrapping policy that got their citizens employed. If there were more FDIs then more Filipinos will have more job opportunities. Having competition will encourage local businesses to either get more customers to evolve. Just think would Jollibee be the mighty bee it is today if it didn't compete against Wendy's and McDonald's?
Also, the Philippines is now more than ready for the parliamentary system. Just think the Duterte presidency gave rise to #TindigPilipinas. If Leni Loud wants to lead the opposition then let her resign as vice president and take her post as Opposition Leader. If the Dilawans want one more term for Noynoy then he can be their Opposition Leader. Talks about giving Duterte and Noynoy one more term aren't bad when we're under the parliamentary system. They wanted to vote straight? Parliamentary will have people vote BY PARTIES rather than by candidates. The number of votes will determine who will become the Government and who will become the Opposition. For instance, PDP-Laban wins anew but the Liberal Party also wins. It would mean that PDP-Laban and the Liberal Party are now in frequent competition. Leni Loud wants weekly reports? Why not have weekly live questioning? Weekly questioning will force the Prime Minister to give weekly reports. The Opposition Leader will also be forced to come up with working alternatives every week. That means no sleeping and every person gets a 7.5 minutes turn. Also, impeachment will naturally follow when the whole Parliament loses confidence in anybody. For example, if Duterte or Leni Loud will fail to come up with a feasible plan then that person can be impeached and removed via a vote of no confidence. The threat of impeachment every week is more powerful than impeaching someone only when they commit a crime.
Let it be the roar of Filipinos today. Demand system change! Don't wait until 2022! In fact, I'd really say that the time for SYSTEM CHANGE is NOW. That means, it may be time to declare a snap PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION before 2022. People will be voting by parties. If they want straight Liberal Party then they can get it. #OtsoDiretso will be voted with the whole Liberal Party. Then ABS-CBN and Rappler can operate for all I care. ABS-CBN can get its franchise eventually but it will be forced to compete with foreign media even more. The time for change is now!
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