Communism itself should be what it is - a DELUSIONAL FANTASY. Even China today which is still ruled under the Chinese Communist Party is now open to foreign investment and capitalism. Communism in itself is an EMPTY DREAM that defies God-given common sense like the double your money in five years package, a government that caters to the needs of the people, a place where the prices of goods are lowered while salaries are up, and the empty dream of a classless society. All of those sound good on paper but like the idea of Christmas Every Day - it's certainly to drive society bankrupt. It's because the problem of socialism is that it doesn't account for the source and kills the geese that lay the golden eggs. It can only be real if you can make it rain gold coins, turn the leaves into money, and turn all the stones around you into precious gems.
A big question to ask now is why do some Filipino youths (and youths outside the Philippines as well such as in the United States of America) join communist organizations? One good reason I can name is LAZINESS. As mentioned earlier, a Communist utopia is pretty much a lazy person's ideal paradise. Who doesn't want to have a government where your needs are provided? Who doesn't want it if the government would give handouts such as the 4Ps program? Who doesn't want a society where everyone is supposedly equal? Who doesn't want to have free education where you can always walk out the classroom to join rallies? Lazy people are very vulnerable to fall for that scam. A lot of Americans are very lazy today hence that's why they fall for communist stupidity such as how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is America's version of Sarah Elago.
Why do some of these Filipinos tend to also hate businessmen? I was thinking about the now-EMPTY Fliptards blog and how much he hated businessmen. True, some mall developments have been bad but not all of them are bad. I don't care if Ayala continues to open its malls as long as it respects the sanctity of nature. I remembered the hatred that some of my former schoolmates had for Tsinoy businessmen for being simply wealthy. The writer of Fliptards as I can remember him before his blog became empty keeps badmouthing businessmen. They think wealthy people are automatically evil and the poor people are automatically good. Do they even realize that evil wealthy businessmen do pay poor people (such as squatters) to do unethical stuff like dump toxic waste in bodies of water? Both the evil businessmen and poor people or squatters bribed to dump the toxic waste should be held accountable.
It's pretty much like why a lot of Filipinos tend to fall into bank scams. Who can remember the promise to double your money in five years when that's impossible? One bank I remembered promised that product and went bankrupt. People only lined to get their Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation checks after that. Other banks ended up offering the product and running off. Communism can be viewed like those banks. They promise high returns, they get lazy people to be suckered into giving their loyalty to these groups believing that they will achieve their dream utopia, without realizing that their communist masters are just like dirty bankers. Their communist masters are only using them for their selfish ends whilst pretending to care for them. In reality, their whole banner of "nationalism" is nothing more than a charade. I mean if they were so nationalistic as they claim then why are they using FOREIGN PRODUCTS to promote their cause? It just shows they don't care how they contradict themselves as long as it's convenient for them, right?
History has proven communism itself is just a big scam. It's better to call it for what it is - CONmunism because it's all but a con job taking advantage of lazy people. Communist commandos get their followers to do the dirty work while they benefit from it. Take for instance that Maoist China had the Chinese people poor, lazy, and ignorant while Mao Zedong grew fat while he enjoyed his life. North Korea today isn't so equal together when you consider Emperor Kim Jung Un himself is very fat. Jose Maria Sison himself has his minions in the New People's Army do all the dirty work while he hides in the free market, democratic Netherlands. You can also consider how the higher-ups of Bayad Muna all enjoy the benefits of capitalism while their followers fight against it. I even heard that Elago herself went to Geneva, Switzerland which is a free market economy too. Still thinking that communism isn't a scam?
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