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Sarah Elago Is Pretty Much #30But17 In Her Behavior

Sarah Elago is already 30 years old but she's still acting like she's still a 17-year-old brat. Proof? She acts like a teenager in Congress. She may have turned 30 last October 18 but you can see that she's still acting like a student council member than a politician. The way she reacts to ALMOST EVERYTHING right now is almost like a teenager. The way she reacted to a probe concerning the missing youth members is like a teenager who's hiding something from one's parents. Heck, is it me or does she really think she represents the youth of the Philippines?

Right now, it's hard to determine which is worse between teenagers who are snowflakes (such as teenage climate activists) or adults who are still acting like teenagers. I know a certain group of people who have entered into their 30s but they're still reacting like teenagers over almost everything. Teenagers have this problem of trying to transition between childhood and adulthood. They are trying to either grow up fast or denying that they're growing up. The teenage mind goes through a lot of dramatic changes such as the physical, emotional, and hormonal triggers across the body.

Sarah is physically an adult now. I don't think she's got that much hormonal imbalance but you have to really see through her emotional maturity. She's got a very thick face while having very thin skin. She's always reacting like a teenager who wants this and that and whines about not getting it. The issue isn't much on whether or not she's too young to be in Congress. The big issue is whether or not she's emotionally mature enough to be in Congress.


  1. Mad cause you're not the one in power? It's okay we've all been there, person that made this article.

    1. Nope I'm just expressing my views. TBH, I did get mad before when I was still in college about not being in power. Hehehehehe.


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