You Can't Claim To Be So Manly If You're Only Good At Insulting Others While Getting Easily Offended Over Almost Everything

It's very easy to claim you're manly, right? I remembered laughing while writing on Fake Filipino masculinity. Now, it's time to write a short to all those trolls (especially those hiding under Anonymous) about how manly they are. It's very easy to brag that there are still many "manly" Filipinos in the Philippines but how manly are they as they claim?
Throwing and hurling insults whether in person or on the Internet doesn't make anyone a manly man. Many of them are only using Anonymous rather than pick any suitable Internet name that they want to use. It's so stupid at how many of them are Anonymous yet they want so and so to reveal themselves. So how can they call the person they want unmasked to be a coward while they remain masked themselves? Now, isn't that a bad case of a double standard? They "bravely" hurl insults at others but wait until you decide to finally throw it at them.
The other problem that some of them share is that they have very thick faces yet their skins are so thin. They have no problem swearing, cussing, and putting other people down especially if they're only known as Anonymous. After all, it's very hard if everyone's just replying under Anonymous, unlike people who use an online name (whether pen name or real identity). Just try replying even as nicely and politely as possible but the slightest disagreement means they're going to explode like toddlers. Let it be either constructive criticism or insults (I guess they can't tell the difference) and just be ready for them to cry foul, give false accusations, fire insults as a form of red herring, and the like which is proof they have lost. Worse, they want to take their battles to court even if said statements weren't even life-threatening but only a threat to their arrogance.
Want a real manly man? A real manly person would just ignore insults and try not to be too easily offended. He doesn't go out there picking fights and he would handle disagreement as professionally as possible. Sadly, some people think they're so manly because they pick fights where they are guaranteed to win. However, they won't face a real fair fight which there's no 100% guarantee that they're going to win. So how can they claim to be so manly now?
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