The issue of the fake Filipino manliness may have to do with the idea of Filipino exceptionalism. It's like, "the laws of nature and the whole world must bow down to the Philippines." mentality that some Filipinos have. Well B.S. because Filipinos are just like every other human -- they are either capable of improving and choosing not to improve at all. You have successful Filipinos and unsuccessful Filipinos. Worse, there's the idea of, "Pelepenos are da most powerful race in da whole world." mindset (and notice I purposely used Carabao English to mock the stupid notion) which is just stupid. Sure, I salute Filipinos who have gone to succeed but again there's no right for lazy Filipinos to free ride on their success.
It's very easy for Filipino trolls to brag about so and so is "not manly" and that there are many "manly Filipinos" over a certain "fag" out there, right? Well, there's still the ongoing problem of the fake Filipino "manliness". What does it mean to be manly? It means to have appropriate characters of a man such as strength and bravery. But what these trolls (and many of them are in fact, just going by the name of Anonymous while demanding others using pen names to show themselves up) do is do nothing more than write bad comments. Worse, many of them don't even bother to read before they comment. I don't see that as strength and bravery especially if they would only attack one single person in groups. It's like a bully who requires his peers to hold one person down so he can punch the person or dare one person to attack his group but he isn't able to stand up against one person. Not reading before commenting just shows foolishness and not bravery.
Does backing off from arguing or confronting a person as idiotic as Jim Paredes make one "duwag" or a coward? Even some people who dislike President Duterte (and they aren't necessarily Yellow) may have labeled Paredes as the real coward. He was an older man picking on a group of young people. One can argue that he was brave because he was all alone so he can't be the bully. However, he did have companions who tried to "offer peace" with flowers. He was also yelling at them and trying to goad them to a fight. Just because Paredes didn't say bad words like President Duterte doesn't make him any more decent than the latter. Paredes long blew his cover of fake decency in the process. The DDS Youth just did what they did after they answered him -- they SHUT UP and refused to answer someone who's a waste of time. They didn't mind that Paredes called them "duwag" because they know who's the real coward. They didn't bother to even physically assault him because they were real men.
You even have the problem of "manly" Filipinos who brag how manly they are, claim that certain people are butthurt by their statements but when somebody refutes them -- they answer everything with red herrings, Ad Hominems, faulty assumptions (such as saying so and so "hates" Filipinos but couldn't even point out a specific and will get extremely mad when asked to point for specifics), and strawman fallacies to name a few of their many weapons that can just be brushed off and IGNORED. They are just brave because they may be in groups but they have a computer, a keyboard or a mobile device with them. But let's see them do an actual confrontation with bigger, worse bullies? They would just detract the issue as to maintain their delusion that they are so manly when they aren't. Others would just put other races down to brag how "great" Filipinos are while ironically hating any form of healthy competition. They will play the poor innocent victim when their stupidity boomerangs at them. So much for being "manly" huh? Also, their habit of doing plenty of voices such as drinking excessive alcohol or gambling doesn't make them men either. It just shows they are either covering up their insecurities and they don't even plan for tomorrow. How's that for manly Filipinos?
What makes me laugh even more is how they say they want to fight China but do they even have the right equipment and training to use them? All they do to fight China is shout and protest at the Chinese embassy. It's not like as if the bigger bully that's China will even be scared one bit by their protests! They brag how manly they are but they even oppose the return of military training in the form of Reserved Officers Training Corps. The ROTC did have issues but it's only because the Philippine system is defective and needs to be changed. How can you even bother to go to war against invaders in general without military training of capable Filipinos? If they are truly man enough then take a look at military training at China and South Korea. They are trained to be men. When suggested that Filipinos too should take that kind of training -- they bitch and whine. If they are truly manly then they should learn from those training exercises to make them Filipinos that are tough as steel. It's all those exercises that have made China's and South Korea's police and military tough as steel. Filipinos if they take part of those exercises can become tough as steel too!
What would it take for Filipinos to be real men or what makes a manly Filipino well, manly? It's learning to pick one's battles such as not fighting unless fully necessary. These legitimate battles are like defending the weak or defending one's self from danger. It's all about not engaging in useless brawls and arguing intelligently. Part of this intelligence includes the task of stop responding to trolls on the Internet and not being a troll at all. It also means learning to plan for tomorrow and keeping one's word of honor such as by showing up on time. That's what I'd call a real Filipino man. That's what's needed to make Filipino men. It's all about a system that encourages proper discipline in contrast to the current system that's stopping Filipinos from improving at all.
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