Economic Protectionism NOT TRAIN Law Should Be Blamed For Ongoing Unemployment

I really find it stupid how people bash the current tax reform law which seeks to lower tax rates of the average Filipino by saying that it only favors the rich (anti-elitism is very common in the Philippines), that it's the cause of inflation (which they want to say that lowering tax rates is the cause of it) and I wonder do they bother to at least study basic economics. Then again what do you expect from Filipino commietards -- they expect a welfare state, equality over equity and I wonder if they know basic Math skills needed for life? Hmmm I guess they think that 40 x 4 = 1,600 huh? Now they even go as far as to blame TRAIN for unemployment -- as suggested by the picture I took from Pignoy Ako Blog!

What's the stupidity of blaming TRAIN law for high unemployment? Supply and demand! Do they realize that the super duper high tax rates of the Philippines is a huge barrier of entry towards foreign investors? Not only that but they do fail to consider that their beloved economic protectionism which is currently fostered by the law of 60/40 (and even prohibiting other industries from competing) is the REAL CAUSE OF LONG-TERM UNEMPLOYMENT. So why weren't excessive laws against foreign investment completely removed then? It's because it's because these laws protect the interest of the oligarch mafia and the Filipino commietard groups do get empowered by it -- "nationalism" is but a facade to their self-serving interests!

How is economic protectionism the REAL CAUSE of ongoing unemployment in the Philippines? It's because there are too little jobs and too many Filipinos needing jobs. While foreign investors aren't the only way to create jobs but they are still part of the job creation process. How can there be more Filipinos employed if local businesses are the only ones available? There's very little competition to encourage people to be competitive. The 60/40 rule is also the game of unfair play -- Filipinos demanding that they should invest 100% around the world but only limiting 40% to foreigners in their home country is indeed a form of bullying. It's all about "It's all about the Filipino -- other races don't matter." or the stupidity of Filipino exceptionalism. It also has the idea that nobody can be racist against them while falsely accusing others of being racist towards Filipinos with no evidence to back up such claims. 

Why would foreigners want to invest in the Philippines if they will just be bullied by the oligarch mafia, right? Foreigners who would be seeking for local partners would want at least 50% but sadly they are a victim of unfair play. Why would they only want 40% of the share and let Filipinos have 60%? Wouldn't it be more fair if they got at least 50% (or more) depending on the agreement with the local Filipino partner? Investing 100% ownership in the Philippines doesn't necessarily mean ownership of land either. Just think does the fisherman buy the ocean when he fishes or does he still share the ocean with the public? That's why repealing excessive restrictions is a must because foreign investors are in fact part of job creation!
