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The Philippines May Become One Huge Narco-State Under President Roxas And Vice President Trillanes

After seeing how a lot of Dilawans have already missed the point with the "dismissal" of the cases of Peter Lim, Peter Co, Erwin Espinosa and company -- I felt like it's time to write another post on what could have happened under the rule of President Mar Roxas and Vice President Antonio Trillanes IV.

I want to think about how horrible the Philippines could be right now under these two. Do you remember the time when the number of illegal Chinese increased? It's all because if they were in China then they can expect to get themselves executed for drug dealing or whatever illegal activities they have. But in the Philippines for several years now -- they have benefited from agencies that could be bribed such as the Bureau of Customs, the Department of Justce and the Commission on Human Rights. If it was already bad enough during the Noynoying Years then imagine that could happen under the rule of President Roxas and Vice President Trillanes.

The chances are all the incidents involving illegal drugs can escalate to a whole new level. We can imagine having even more idiotic people heading BOC, DOJ and CHR to name a few. They may even fire Atty. Persida V. Rueda-Acosta from the Public Attorney's Office while appointing more dirty policemen involved in narcotics. This could happen because they will tolerate illegal immigrants as long as they are given money that they can hide under their tables. They may not even care how many illegal drugs are shipped from China to the Philippines at a daily basis as long as those illegal Chinese pay them well.

I could imagine how the Philippines would look like right now. They may even legalize shabu for a start. They would spread the lie from Agnes Callamard that shabu causes no harm to the brain or leads to acts of violence. You can imagine how dangerous drugs will become even more accessible under their rule. Didn't President Roxas even say that if he can accompany you to buy shabu? The same could be true for Vice President Trillanes. Both president and vice president may even accompany people to buy drugs.

They could also use the Department of Health to distribute shabu. Maybe, we can expect a visit from Callamard herself. The shipment of shabu from China courtesy of illegal Chinese they sheltered will be disbursed to citizens via DOH offices. They may even start with distributing samples of shabu and the like to little children and teenagers in an attempt to prove Callamard's statement to be "true". It would even mean pharmacies will be required to sell these dangerous drugs. They would make up lies that since the drug war doesn't work then why not let people have it -- resulting to people becoming violent and damaged as a result of such poorly thought out policies.
