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A COVID-19 Vaccine Armageddon May Happen Under The Roxas-Trillanes Administration

The Philippines finally had its COVID-19 vaccines just this month, right? Well, I might decide to write another Roxas-Trillanes piece. Last time, I questioned if the Philippines has any chance of surviving if Mar Roxas were president and Antonio Trillanes IV were vice president. Let's imagine what if the Philippines managed to survive the Roxas-Trillanes Administration up to 2021 (with many casualties) and how the COVID-19 vaccination program will go on. 

I remembered a couple of bitching from the Yellowtards and Trillanestards about how other countries already have their vaccine. You can read loads and loads of such rants about how they wish the vaccines already landed in the Philippines. Well, chances are that the Philippines would've probably been the first ASEAN country to get the vaccines but at what cost? Chances are Roxas and Trillanes would want to show off to the world they're the best tandem. Before that, chances are the Philippines would've probably defeated the USA in terms of infections leading to the whole ASEAN getting infected. Roxas and Trillanes may want to secure the first vaccine available BEFORE it can be tested. Chances are that Roxas would've probably secured the deal with Russia's Sputnik V vaccine before it can be tested. We might also have Trillanes having backdoor negotiations with China to get what might be unsafe vaccines so the Philippines can have vaccines for the sake of having vaccines. Either way, we might be ready for a COVID-19 vaccine armageddon any time soon.

To save face, maybe Roxas would want to be careful about his words. Instead, Roxas and Trillanes would start to immunize health workers and other public workers with UNTESTED and with high probability also UNSAFE VACCINES. Chances are the vaccines would've been bought around August 13, 2020, when the Sputnik V vaccine was first developed but not yet tested. The chances are maybe untested Sputnik V vaccines would be bought together with untested vaccines from China. A combination of both could be the biggest disaster. Instead of reducing the chances of getting severe symptoms of COVID-19 -- the Philippines' cases of COVID-19 will skyrocket. It's because the health workers and public workers will all get severe symptoms from UNTESTED vaccines. This may result in a huge absence of health workers and public workers who may all land in the ICU because they were injected with untested, unsafe COVID-19 vaccines. You might expect massive deaths to happen in such a short amount of time because of faulty vaccines or if people weren't qualified to receive the vaccine. 

Meanwhile, maybe Roxas and Trillanes will secretly procure some real, safe COVID-19 for their allies. Chances are that they may deny some of the better vaccines to areas (like Tacloban and Davao). Maybe, Trillanes will say, "You must understand that your mayor is a Duterte, I'm a Trillanes, and our president is a Roxas." to Davaoenos as to why they're last priority. Roxas may also deny Tacloban all because the mayor is a Romualdez and he's a Roxas. Though, to save face, they might purposely give the faulty vaccines to both areas. You can imagine how they might give VIP vaccinations to their allies while neglecting their political rivals. They might even consider blaming their political rivals for their failed vaccination programs.

It just had me thinking that the issue isn't just about timely procurement of vaccines. It's also about making sure that the vaccines are safe. Either way, are you glad that Roxas and Trillanes aren't the president and vice president respectively? 
