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Chinese Communists Have SINOVAC COVID-19 Vaccine, Filipino Communists Only Have SINIBAK COVID-19 Vaccine

Although I'm wary of the SINOVAC vaccine - if it passes medical standards then why not? This is really another drawing line between the Chinese communists and Filipino communists. Why do you think Communist China managed to overtake the Philippines when it used to be MUCH POORER after Mao Zedong messed it all up? It's because Deng Xiaoping introduced his "socialism" that won't be popular with the wokes today. Deng called it "socialism with Chinese characteristics". What Deng did was to really make his new awkward socialism that says, "Poverty is not socialism. To be rich is glorious." Deng even said that capitalism is superior to feudalism - which in turn made China into a bigshot communist country. A far cry out from the anti-capitalist idiots in the Philippines, right? China has been busy with SINOVAC. What about the Filipino communists? The only vaccine they have (and it's not working) is called SINIBAK.

Okay, before you "fact check" me for fake news - I'd like to give clarifications. There's NO SINIBAK vaccine made by Filipino communists and it's only used for illustrative purposes. Sinibak is the Tagalog word for "thrown out". Chinese communists were busy working with SINOVAC. What were the Filipino communists doing? Their only solution for the COVID-19 epidemic is their vaccine called SINIBAK. That is they plan to throw out certain people. Their possible only way to help stop the spread of COVID-19 is #OustDuterte - as if throwing away the current president will really stop the epidemic. Meanwhile, it's already reported that SINOVAC already has a 97% seroconversion rate in a test in Indonesia. SINOVAC is now trying to get its effectiveness rate tested too. Jakarta post even says that SINOVAC vaccine has no critical side effects though I believe further testing is done. A far cry from the SINIBAK vaccine of Filipino communists - one that they tried to administer by ousting Duterte but failed MISERABLY. 

It's really something that the Filipino communists just ask and ask then complain that COVID-19 debts are skyrocketing. It's something that members of the Alliance of Complaining Teachers (ACT) asks for this and that while COVID-19 debts are increasing. Why aren't these organizations deciding to work rather than BEG from the government? They're demanding a vaccine rather than making a vaccine. They would rather drive out foreign investors (while hypocritically using foreign products) while Chinese communists WELCOME them into their country. The Filipino communists only know how to complain but NEVER to formulate any feasible solution. 

It would be really laughable to think that maybe, just maybe, SINOVAC might end up becoming the key to defeat COVID-19. Meanwhile, all the Filipino communists offer is SINIBAK vaccine - a vaccine that only thinks of SHORT-TERM SOLUTIONS. China has been winning the fight against COVID-19 because Chinese communists face the problem head-on. Meanwhile, Filipino communists haven't even taken over the Philippines because they're whiners. 
